Page 500 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 500

            SCHEDULE 36

                                           BOND REDEMPTION AND INTEREST
           Expenditures and appropriations for the payment of principal and interest on the General Obligation Bonds (G.O.B.) of the City.

                              Estimated                                                            Requirements
                               2020-21                              Principal        Interest        2021-22
           GOB Refunding Series 2011B Debt Service Fund (Sch. 36)      32,480,000        1,576,250      34,056,250
           GOB Refunding Series 2012A Debt Service Fund (Sch. 36)      22,735,000        3,214,475      25,949,475
           GOB Refunding Series 2016A Debt Service Fund (Sch. 36)      16,775,000        2,852,387      19,627,387
           GOB Series 2017A Debt Service Fund (Sch. 36)                 4,320,000        2,182,208       6,502,208
           GOB Refunding Series 2017B Debt Service Fund (Sch. 36)       7,035,000        1,426,375       8,461,375
           GOB Series 2018-A Debt Service Fund (Sch. 36)               13,815,000        8,802,027      22,617,027
           GOB Refunding Series 2018B Debt Service Fund (Sch. 36)              -         1,733,250       1,733,250
           GOB Refunding Series 2018C Debt Service Fund (Sch. 36)              -          378,015         378,015
                                                                       97,160,000       22,164,987     119,324,987

                 136,286,497      128,455,723                    Total Appropriations                  119,324,987

                          -               -                      Ending Balance, June 30                        -

   495   496   497   498   499   500   501   502   503   504   505