Page 9 - QARANC Vol 14 No 11 2015
P. 9

                                WO1 CRSM D Price Maj (Retd) M Dixson Mrs K Eifflaender Mrs J Jones
Maj (Retd) D Calderwood Lt Col (Retd) M Bandy Mrs H Duncombe
Item 6 - Chairman’s Annual Report
CRSM from Jul 14
Member from Jan 13
Member from Oct 10
Member from Jul 12
Member from Oct 13
Member from Oct 14
General Secretary from Aug 11
8. The Chairman updated the membership on the work of the Trustees, including their decision to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and the implications. Further information was given about membership, Branch activity, The Gazette, our Chattels, the National Memorial Arboretum, the AMS Museum and future events. The report is attached at Annex A.
9. The Chairman advised that regrettably there were some minor errors in the accounts published in The Gazette. The revised and audited accounts would be published in the Autumn Edition of The Gazette.
10. The Chairman advised that the Trustees, following a tender process, had agreed the appointment of Treetops as Auditors for the accounts for the financial year 2015.
Item 7 - Treasurers Report and Presentation of Audited Accounts
11. The Treasurer, Miss Cranwell-Child, reported that Mr Paul Chamberlain of Chamberlains Chartered Accountants had inspected all accounts for the financial year 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014.
I2. It was advised that the final balance at year end for the Central Fund was £2,414,630.06 and the Benevolent Fund was £2,299,486.91.
13. Those present agreed the President to sign the corrected audited accounts.
14. A more detailed report is at Annex B.
Item 8 - Report on the investments held by the QARANC Association
15. Mr Mike Adler reported on Investments held by the QARANC Association. A detailed report is at Annex C.
Item 9 - Benevolence Report
16. The General Secretary reported on Association activity regarding applications for grants and benevolence. A detailed report is at Annex D.
Item 10 – Update on Constitution/Governing Document and adoption of Charitable Incorporated Organisation
17. The Chairman gave the following report:
The Central Committee (Board of Trustees) of the Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps (QARANC) Association have over the last year reviewed its Constitution (Governing Document) and supporting policies and procedures. It observed that the Constitution was last formally amended in 2003. Following research and advice from the Charity Commission, the Civil Society, independent legal organisations and service organisations, it recommended that the QARANC Association should become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). The Trustees are currently working with a specialist company to ensure a revised Constitution is registered with the Charity Commission that will ensure the Association is robust and protected insofar as practicable, from any future threats. The objects will remain unchanged. It is anticipated that no changes will be experienced by the wider membership. It is hoped that the new charity will be registered by September this year. Once registered and assets from the current charity have been transferred, it will be necessary to dissolve the old charity. Whilst this is not essential and it could remain dormant, it may incur additional charges relating to annual returns. The current constitution requires a Resolution to be passed to by the membership should the Charity need to dissolve.
Item 11 – Resolution to dissolve QARANC Association (Charity Number 270278)
18. A vote was undertaken to dissolve the current charity (QARANC Association Charity Number 270278) once the new CIO was registered and assets transferred.
This was unanimously agreed and therefore the resolution passed.
Item 12 - Date of the next meeting
19. The next meeting will be held on Saturday 15 May 2016. Venue to be confirmed.
20. Col Jane Davis, Col Commandant thanked the President and his team on behalf of all members for his continued support to the Association.
21. The meeting closed at 1245hrs.
If there is a requirement from any of our members to receive copies of the Annexes, please contact the General secretary on: 01276412754 or

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