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Adventurous Leadership and Resilience Training (ALeRT) is an integral part of Adventurous Training (AT). Those who have received its teachings return to their units with tools and resources to embrace challenges and overcome hurdles they may face as a team or an individual. This year, we say farewell to Steven Eggleston (Eggy), one of the key enablers of ALeRT, a role model to fellow instructors and probably the oldest bit of kit left at the Wing. Eggy has been around so long that it is rumoured he still has a lesson plan written for him by one of the Apostles who was on AT as one of his students!
Mentorship and Education: Eggy’s dedication to teaching and mentoring RAPTCIs on their AT pathway within JSMTC extended beyond his courses. He willingly shared his knowledge and expertise with anyone who sought it, becoming a mentor and role model to aspiring paddlers and outdoor enthusiasts. His willingness to educate and guide others created a ripple effect, as his students are now actively passing down his teachings and mentorship to future generations of leaders. There are not many RAPTCIs that have not met Eggy on their AT journey; some have fond memories, and some are not so great. Either way, it does not phase Eggy, but that is just him all over. The Team and JSMTC will deeply miss him.
The Wing is forever busy and seems to be spread thin across the ground for most of the year. Instructors tend to pack up for the winter and chase the conditions up in Scotland, Norway, and Bavaria. Either delivering high-end AT courses or pursuing the next qualification, which is very demanding, both physically and mentally. Achievements in the Wing this year saw SSgt (SSI) Hume RAPTC passing his Nordic Leader Level 2 and SSgt (SSI) Jones RAPTC beginning his journey in the scheme, getting his foot in the door with Nordic Foundation Level 1 and nailing the Winter Mountain Leader Training in
SSgt (SSI) J Bullard RAPTC
SSgt (SSI) Roberts RAPTC, WO1 (RSM) Davies RAPTC, SSgt (SSI) Hume RAPTC, Norway
incredibly challenging conditions up in Scotland.
A sideways step away from delivery, the Wing has seen a huge amount of change with staffing over the past year, seeing the arrival of SSgt (SSI) Bullard RAPTC from JSMTW (Halton), SSgt (SSI) Jones RAPTC from JSATW (Cyprus), Sgt (SI) Anderson RAPTC on completion of the Resilience Margin (ReM) and the return of Sgt (SI) Elms RAPTC after injury. The team is currently gearing up for the summer months, slowly adjusting to a
warmer climate and fine-tuning their skill sets to tackle the upcoming courses and challenges.
Behind the scenes, the ‘Army Adventurous Training Group’ Instagram page, led by Sgt (SI) Elms and SSgt (SSI) Bullard, has been created. The page is proving to be a fantastic platform to show off all things AT, both internally and as a recruitment drive externally for the wider army. We encourage you to follow the page and share your stories with us to be shared on the platform.
Eggy coaching SSgt (SSI) Crosbie RAPTC and Sgt (SI) Russo RAPTC as part of their ReM on the River Dee
Eggy proving that you are only ever between swims
SSgt (SSI) Hume RAPTC – Nordic Ski Leader Level 2, Norway