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  Iceland is a bizarre and incredible island that offers true wilderness. Black volcanic rock contrasts with glittering
glaciers and steaming geysers explode into sub-zero air temperatures. A country like no other, that had to be exploited for some genuine Adventurous Training outside of the “norm”. Iceland is one of the most striking places on our planet, so I thought why not take 14 others and go ski mountaineering where very few people go. The expedition was also aiming to put the first Armed Forces team on the summit of the highest peak in Iceland.
18 months of planning with over 100 Service Personnel (SP) applying, narrowing the team down to 14 was difficult. Calling individuals with the bad news was the worst part of the process, along with returning from Iceland of course. The expedition narrowly missed the 2023 funding cuts and was made up of 8 males, 7 females with a mix of Reserve and Regular SP from Sapper through to Colonel. With very little in the form of guidebooks and maps of the Easten Fjords, it was very much launching into the unknown.
After the initial kit and equipment issue at Aldershot, team meet and greet, we were on our way to Reykjavik, Iceland.
The first leg of our adventure involved a long drive from Reykjavik to our first training destination, Eskifjörður, on the far
SSgt (SSI) R Penver RAPTC
 east of Iceland.....a beautiful 9-hour road trip which included a scheduled stop at one of many free thermal hot springs of course.
Over the course of six days, we engaged in high-quality and exciting ski mountaineering training. Throughout this period, our groups participated in avalanche rescue training, glacial travel, crevasse rescue drills, first aid familiarisation and ascended 1000-1500 vertical meters each day.
SSgt Ross Penver making his way back down a couloir after a critical safety decision
Hike to the snow
   RAPTCIs: LtoR - WO1 (RSM) Luke Kemp, SSgt Ross Penver, Maj ‘Maz’ Maslin, Capt Will Brant, SSgt Sam Davidson-Webb

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