Page 20 - 2006 AMA Summer
P. 20

AMPS 2006
Report by Mike Smith, Sport Secretary.
Over 110 competitors gathered at the Nuffield climbing wall for this years "Boulder Bash" at JSMTC(I). The compe format followed the standard 3 round, 30 problem competition. Each competitor was allowed 1hr per round with half hour break between rounds.
The comp was organised by W 02 Mark Hedge and SSgt Paddy Logan. JSMTC provided accommodation with the kind permission of Lt Col Hodgkinson QBE. The problems were set by the Nuffiled wall team including Dave Nodden. All competitors had a tiring day attempting the 30 problems, some with more success than others.
Eventual prize winners were:
1st= Spr Karcoutli & Lt Simon Whitcher
3rd Lt Tom Odling Female
1st Lt Judith Gallagher 2nd Cfn Ruth Matuska
1st SSgt Geordie Ellis (4th) 2nd Capt Mike Smith (5th)
1st 35 Engr Regt 2nd SEME
3rd ATR Pirbright
The prizes were present at a social gathering in the eve and those present got a preview of the forthcoming Ex Tasmania Dragon DVD - due in the shops soon.
Working it out.
Leanrte Callaghan AMA.
Cfn Ruth Matuska
Competitior warming up.
Another fantastic comp - check the AMA website for further comps.

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