Page 8 - Oundle Life January 2022
P. 8

Here’s to a greener 2022!
Are you thinking of making
some new year’s resolutions
this year and you aren’t a ‘saver’
by nature, why not try a few of these tips from Oundle Waste Less to cut your energy use – you’ll save money and reduce carbon emissions. Even excellent energy savers are encouraged to read on, as you might spot something new or think of something to add.
1. Measure it. Manage it.
Use meter readings, rather than estimates, to record of monthly energy use. Comparing year to year figures should indicate unusual usage fluctuations or power-hungry additions to your electricals collection. Take up your energy provider’s offer of a smart meter – watching the display is interesting.
2. Reduce the use
‘The most inefficient light is the one left on in an empty room’. It’s an obvious statement and it rings true for any electrical appliance left on when not in use. Unless a light or electrical needs to be on for a vital purpose, apply a ‘switch it off ’ rule. Try to turn off stand-by lights and chargers too.
3. Make the most of every load
Use larger household equipment effectively. Only run the washing machine or dish washer when they are full, and use the eco settings. Further reduce laundry related energy use by washing clothes only when necessary, and at lower temperatures – many detergents are now formulated to be effective at 30°. Dry clothes outside or on a rack inside – tumble dryers guzzle energy. Similarly,
ovens are power-hungry so cook as much as you can at the same time. If you are just heating food up, a microwave is more energy efficient.
4. Control the heat
Use home heating controls
efficiently. Set the timer to minimise
use (switch off about 30 minutes
before you usually go to bed; the house will retain its heat until you get under the covers), set the thermostat so the temperature is comfortable but not excessive (21° should
be the maximum) and use radiator valves to control the heat in each room – don’t heat unused rooms. Smart controls are helpful
if you want the house to be cosy on your return from being out. Importantly, reduce heat leaks – fill drafty gaps around doors
and windows, block off unused chimneys, upgrade windows and loft or wall insulation if/when you can afford it.
5. Upgrade to save
LED lights use about 85% less energy
than halogen bulbs. LEDs last about 10 times longer than halogens (and many are dimmable) so make the switch and save on energy and replacement costs. Similarly, when buying a new electrical appliance, go for the highest energy rating (on the scale ‘A’ is the most efficient).
6. Be careful with hot water
Heating water uses large amounts of energy. Set heating controls with consideration for

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