Page 47 - KRH 2022 CREST
P. 47

                                The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 45
 RAO Department
2022 has been a year that has highlighted the rewards of being a member of the AGC(SPS) attached to The King’s Royal Hussars. Everyone in the Detachment can reflect on how much they have learnt, developed, and benefited from the opportuni- ties that have been presented. Amongst the serious stuff, a certain individual may have established themselves in the annals of Mess life with a debatable claim about chess; more on that later.
Capt Daz Leggott was assigned as the RAO in Feb 22, but quickly proceeded to spend the next four and a half months on courses or leave learning how to say ‘no’ to requests for money, not a chal- lenge for a Yorkshireman (unless it was the Welfare Officer look- ing to book trips for the deployed families). The RAO was joined in Mar 22 by 2Lt Benedict Brenninkmeijer as the Det Comd, who shortly after his arrival became the Unit Deployment Officer; he may never forgive the RAO for that responsibility.
Ex DEFENDER saw numerous members of the Detachment deploy to Poland. Full of challenges, it was an invaluable opportu- nity for the team to test and develop their Deployed Pers Admin skills. As always, the team threw themselves into the tasks at hand with Pte (now LCpl) Tamang enabling the iHub and Pte (now LCpl) Manners tracking personnel; both receiving acknowledge- ment for their efforts. Whilst many were enjoying what Europe had to offer, Sgt Jain successfully completed the annual end of year accounts, wading through 12 months of reds relating to parties, functions, alcohol, snow sport, education opportunities, flowers, presentations, more fine wines, and more snow sports (the RAO, and indeed HQ Sqn Ldr reserve the right to not hear or read the word s****g until 2023).
As Spring moved to Summer the Detachment was bolstered by the arrival of SSgt Rai, Cpl McGeown, Cpl Thapa, LCpl Gurung and Pte Piliukaityte who were welcome additions as we prepared for the annual G1 Assurance. Under the meticulous lead of WO2 Thomas and Sgt Adubofour-Poku it was evident throughout the assessment that high standards of administration and ser- vice delivery had been maintained despite the busy FOE. Their
Deployed J1 Cell Sports Afternoon
continued leadership has been essential in making sure the team understands the technical aspects of their roles.
After significant preparation Op CABRIT 11 arrived and provided an opportunity for the deployed element to shine in Estonia. SSgt Rai has been the cornerstone of the J1 Cell, somehow maintaining a balance of managing the team whilst paying for what seems to be everything the British Army have purchased in Eastern Europe. He was ably supported by Sgt Whitehead and Cpl Hodson who have ensured that discipline and routine business has been man- aged in a timely fashion. The exacting co-ordination of flights and R&R has the responsibility of Cpl McGeown who has been essential in getting people back to loved ones, although starting boxing training may have been a little extreme to scare those
   Sgt Adubufour-Poku competing at the British Transplant Games
Pte Tamang enjoying the delights of Rakvere Castle

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