Page 48 - KRH 2022 CREST
P. 48

                                46 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
  daring to make late returns. They could have not delivered their outputs without the unseen background work of Pte Piliukaityte, who not only kept the Regts SharePoint site operating but also organised a visit to Rakvere Castle.
Meanwhile on the ROG routine business continued, and Cpl Malama again stepped up as the SSA to keep disciplinary pro- cesses on tracks whilst LCpl Subba Ningleku continued his battle with MoDNET laptops and Microsoft licenses.
In amongst Op CABRIT and the ROG, Cpl Fallaize and LCpl Gurung have provided excellent support to D Sqn. We are assured by Cpl Fallaize that he did not enjoy the summer weather in Cyprus on KRONOS WARRIOR too much...
It hasn’t all been about work. Cpl Thapa showed his robustness in earning a CO’s Coin for an outstanding performance on Ex
Cpl Thapa with well-deserved CO’s coin
Pte Hail with the winning AGC Ladies Basketball Team
BALTIC WARRIOR and Pte Hail, who had a delayed start to Op CABRIT, took advantage of being on ROG as part of the Championship winning AGC Ladies Basketball Team.
From an RAO’s perspective I would like to thank everyone within the Detachment for their hard work and wish all of those that have departed the best of luck in their new roles. I cannot express enough my appreciation for how the KRH welcome, support and engage with the AGC(SPS). We look forward to a rewarding 2023.
Finally, as promised and if you made this far...
According to an American Study, chess players can burn up to 6,000 calories a day whilst playing in a tournament. Most sources indicate this is more than you would burn running a marathon. If you choose to abandon running for chess because of this state- ment, the AGC(SPS) Detachment accepts no liability for loss of fitness.
    Unit Aid Post
2022 saw the UAP deployed not just as a team in Poland and Estonia but individually to Germany, Kosovo and Cyprus. Cpl Butler and LCpl Odebrecht, the latter starting her endless quest for LSA days, began the year deployed to Germany sup- porting 1RW battlegroup on Ex Tallinn Dawn whilst Maj West deployed on Op Allied Solace as an individual augmentee, pro- viding medical care to Afghan nationals in Kosovo awaiting relocation to NATO member states.
Spring saw a short period with the Regimental Aid Post (RAP) reunited in camp, and the hard work started to prepare the Regiment medically for forthcoming deployments. Critical to our success was the arrival of Sgt Grant, who joined us as our RAP nurse after a long period without QARANC representation.
Ex Defender saw the RAP deploy to Poland, with Sgt Grant diverting via Germany to complete some last-minute forward vaccinating to ensure the force was protected. The Bulldogs thankfully arrived after a few days living in a bleak wood line, and the team took up its position in the leaguer, supporting various exercise and real-life medical serials.
On return, we said goodbye to LCpl McGregor, who success- fully transferred to the QARANC to start her training and
career in nursing, having been persuaded to change cap badge through her experiences on multiple hospital-based MACAs. The UAP and A Sqn appreciated her hard work, and we wish her all the best in her new career. We also welcomed LCpl Hall, who quickly established herself as D Sqn medic, deploying with them to Castlemartin in the summer and later to Cyprus, she definitely achieved the best Vitamin D levels of the RAP.
The team spent a brief further period in the med centre, and the medical preparation for op CABRIT continued at pace. Sgt Wilson posted in the autumn, with Sgt Cooke arriving as our new Med SNCO. Maj West, Sgt Grant, LCpl Nixon, LCpl Simpson and LCpl Odebrecht deployed on Op CABRIT 11, providing care to the battlegroup both in camp and the field. The year ended with LCpl Simpson drifting off to sleep to the dulcet tones of LCpl Nixon and LCpl Odebrecht’s karaoke in the next-door welfare room, and the RAP look forward to another busy year ahead.
Finally, we said goodbye to Sgt Grant, who redeployed from CABRIT to start her primary care nurse training and Cpl Butler, who was posted down the road to Larkhill; we are grate- ful for their hard work during their short times with KRH.

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