Page 58 - KRH 2022 CREST
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                                56 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
 The Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess
2022 started with the handover of key appointments and a new committee to support the Mess for the forthcoming year. WO2 Mossop handing over PMC to WO2 Michael ‘F-ing’ Plant and SSgt Harrison handing over PEC to SSgt ‘Barry’ Spencer. An excellent job had been carried out in the previous year with Mess updates to bring the place in line with current times, including new glass topped embedded emblem coffee tables, a dart board encased in KRH embraided wooden cabinet, pool table and Sgt Bradbury’s favourite addition, the karaoke machine.
Early 2022 was relatively quiet in the Mess, due to deployments in various locations for the Regiment. However, with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II becoming the first monarch in history to reach 70 years on the throne, the RSM decided it was only right to have a late celebration. The theme was all things British, with fancy dress encouraged alongside an excellent spread of fish and chips put on by Mel and her hard-working team. Even the hard to please RSWO “Ripper Harris” agreed it was an agreeable spread whilst inhaling his 5th portion. SSgt Gainford who organised and orchestrated the event was asked to add comment on how it went. Unfortunately, he had little recollection after enjoying “setting up” since NAFFI break and ensuring the beer remained at an optimal temperature - ably assisted by the usual suspects, SSgts Simler and McDonald. Michael ‘F-ing’ Plant took the prize for best fancy-dress (Not as Richard O’Brien surprisingly). Each Sqn had to devise its own game to be played during the day, these ranged from the cognitively testing to outright violence. All played out to the soundtrack of British rock and indie classics provided by the band Solace, only minor injuries and a good night had by all.
Having completed Ex IRON STORM as KRH Battlegroup, RSM WO1 Donald invited the attached arms to a BG drinks evening, which only attracted the Scots Guards and the Danes. Maybe the remainder had heard what was to come. In true tradi- tion, Sgt Kingston introduced the Foxes’ Masks to the mad jocks who definitely underestimated what 1 litre of champagne does to your body when drank at best speed. Let’s just say, 1 Scots Guards Company Sergeant Major had a night to remember, which he potentially didn’t remember. The Danes decided to bring over and introduce a tradition where they sneak under the cover of darkness into the Officers’ Mess and steal anything they can get their hands on. Luckily for us, the Officers were hosting a dinner night and the Danes managed to get us a complimentary cheese board, which went down an absolute treat. From the music to the food; games and integration between partner nations. It is fair to say the night went so well, we struggled to get the Danes out so the Mess could get some head down before first parade.
As always, the Mess was to host a summer function and this year it exceeded expectations. Stepping up to the plate, WO2 Jack Coates
Moments before the Danish rape & pillage mission
Sgt 3 chins Taylor casually dribbling into his cup with excitement
and SSgt Isaac ‘Muscles’ Longden chose an American frat party theme. Each Sqn picked their own dress state and there were a few questionable themes chosen, from geeks and Red Necks to the Mighty Ducks! Fancy dress always goes down well, and it was nice to see the guests jump on board and also dress to impress. It was a close call for best fancy dress award, however WO2 Thorpe secured the victory, as you can see in the pictures, he took it quite seriously. WO2 Galletly was a close 2nd...It’s fair to say the swim- ming pool had already served its purpose prior to the event; WO2 Green enjoyed plenty of beers in the sun in the run up to the event to test that all seals were in good order. During the after- noon, frat themed games were played for each Sqn to compete in; boat races, frank the tank, sandbag throwing and when they came to a close, the RSM awarded the best SNCO
award, which was started up a few years ago by WO1 Donald. A 3L magnum of Bollinger champagne signed by the mess was awarded to SSgt Spencer and unfortunately for everyone else,
he chose not to crack the seal and save it for a special occasion whenever that may be. Obviously, having a swim- ming pool as part of the setup was always going to end in comedy.
A few people had been eyed up and launched in which to some, remaining p1*s wrapped all night wasn’t what they had in mind, however before long, each person within the Mess either voluntarily threw themselves in or was sin-
gled out by the dunking team which consisted of a few members with SSgt Simler as their ringleader.
WO2 Thorpe or Capt Baines?

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