Page 59 - KRH 2022 CREST
P. 59
WO2 Oakes unsure about meeting Right said Fred
The living in members (LIMS) have grown increasingly close over the past year, sharing many nights over the pool table whilst ordering in pizzas, having a few sherbets, and listening to Sgt (Doug) Bradbury on karaoke doing his best version of ODB. It culminated on a raffle night put together by WO2 Oakes with prizes organised by Sgt Bulbeck. We decided to get a Mess bingo machine which is now missing number 31 as when drawn and the LIMS member wasn’t present, WO2 (Dave) Oakes decided it would be a good idea to swallow the ball - its yet to be found. We invited the Officers LIMS down to join us and decided to do a spread ourselves, the weather was bang on lovely so the BBQs were dusted off and put to good use. As the last time the Mess decided to order Dominos, IC Gav Harrison had his location set to Amesbury on his phone, so when he arrived at Tidworth for collection, they sent him on his merry way to meet the moped delivery man. The raffle was clearly rigged as the PMC won the top cash prize of £270, but he did put a £100 behind the bar with plenty of pressure! Greeny won a trip to the Bombay sapphire distillery and the ASM got very lucky and won some bird feed. Before we knew it, midnight had passed and most of the Officers were still hanging around like a bad smell, Capt ‘Gaff off ’ Turner had been carried back to his room losing a shoe in the process and a few of the Junior Officers unwillingly losing in some drinking games. All in all, a brilliant successful night endured by everyone.
Ramnuggur ‘heavy’ celebrations
Ramnuggur this year would be split between the UK and Estonia. WO2 Green and SSgt Less would head both these up and as we were all not in one location, it would be celebrated on a smaller scale than we traditionally would.
Out in Estonia, the Field Officers from the KRH and WO’s from across the BG were invited to the event, to take a place in the horseshoe to watch us conduct formalities with the rendition and role of honour. With the Scots Guards being in the BG we had one of their pipers play the last post and reveille, which nor- mally wouldn’t be something we have the honour of. Mr Vice (Sgt Mason) and his escorts (Sgt Barnett & Sgt McCormick) marched out the cup and everybody had their portion of champagne before a gallant effort to finish what was left. True to tradition, the majority ended up over Mr Vice’s head and he was cheered out by all that attended. Once the formalities had finished, we moved to the DFAC for entertainment by the Fijian Choir and 1SG Pipes and Drums, a lot less low key than normal, however the food was outstanding; canapes with delicacies from across the world kept us fed. Lastly to finish off, a very different style of cheese board to keep the taste buds guessing.
The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 57
SSgt Spencer signing for the mighty duck pancakes
Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dee on ROG PT