Page 34 - QARANC Vol 20 No 3 2023
P. 34

                                34 The Gazette QARANC Association
 ‘I was instantly drawn to it being
an all-female crew’
Corporal Emma Gibb who is part of the Joint Hospital Group based in Birmingham reports on her preparations to row the Atlantic as part of an all-woman team
Dubbed “the world’s toughest row” - The Talisker Whisky Challenge is a 3,000 mile unsupported crossing from San Sebastian in La Gomera to Antigua. The journey can last anywhere between 35-60 days.
This extraordinary challenge caught my eye back in February 2022 when it was advertised on Instagram as ‘4 Women. 4 Soldiers. 1 Ocean.’ I was instantly drawn to it being an all-female crew and although I have no rowing experience, I thought to myself “maybe I have got what it takes, I will never know unless I apply.” I submitted my application and received an invitation to the next stage.
I was unable to attend in person to Phase 1 of selection and instead completed it virtually in June of 2022. This included a personality test, a video centred around the team’s values of Promote, Inspire and Belong and a workout which I completed with the members of the RCDM BAWF Club (providing much needed motivation!).
I was offered a reserve spot on phase two of the selection and at this point I believed the process was over. But a few weeks later I got the news offering me a spot to attend in person to phase two at the Joint Service Mountain Training Wing Indefatigable. I was buzzing!
This would be the first time I was going to meet all the girls and it is difficult to put into words, but the feeling of being in that room was special. I thought to myself what an impressive bunch of women who I will never get the opportunity to meet again like
this. The support team outlined the aims of the week and made it clear that we were a part of something bigger than the row - we were now part of a legacy. A legacy of women who push themselves beyond their comfort zones, and in doing so, find a sense of belonging.
Throughout the week we had to demonstrate mental and physical resilience across several adventurous training activities whilst showcasing our capabilities to lead and follow within a small team. In addition, we were assessed throughout the selection for our aptitude to compete as part of the FA24 team and embody it’s aims of; Promote, Inspire, Belong.
The following week I received a phone call from Imy, the team skipper, to say I had been selected. This took a while to sink in and at the time I was completely taken aback.
The new year brings about laying the foundation for our campaign; from building our physical and mental resilience, bonding as a team, looking at our nutrition and fundraising for our chosen charity, The Girls Network. It’s a busy time but I feel hugely privileged and excited to be a part of the journey.’
If you would like to follow us on our journey, you can find us on Instagram and Twitter @ForceAtlantic. Cpl Emma Gibb

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