Page 33 - MERCIAN Eagle 2022
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                                 cruelly denied the chance to participate by being summoned to MoD Main Building
on a temporary posting. For those who could take part, the plan aimed for maximum participation and exploiting the opportunities within striking distance of Bulford Camp. Troops kayaked, mountain- biked and climbed across a range of venues developing confidence and physical endurance, sometimes allied to a bit of
skill and style. In addition to those joining from 2 MERCIAN, another new arrival was Pte Jeyes who joined the Catering Pl fresh from training. However, he had no sooner unpacked than he found himself volunteering to deploy on Op CABRIT in Estonia to augment the KRH.
October saw the Training Wing furiously cranking the handle on the production line to generate additional qualified armoured infantry personnel from amongst the many arrivals with a light role background. It also brought the spectacular Battalion Boxing night. This marked a culmination to his time with 1 MERCIAN for SSgt Rich Ingles as RAPTCI who took charge of refereeing the contests. There were some strong performances in the ring, although HQ Coys fighters didn’t have the rub of the green. Particular note and thanks should go to CSgt Glen Harrison and LCpl Hannah Naismith for their hours of selfless commitment as team coaches.
Rounding out the year there were more
LAD Warrior Turret Lift, Castlemartin Ranges, Jun 22
forays into Europe. A number of HQ Coy augmentees joined the Combined Joint Interagency Task Force HQ from Northwood as it deployed to Denmark to exercise command of the Joint Expeditionary Force. This allied construct between 10 north- European nations is a developing concept, but it was gratifying to play a part in helping it along its journey. The exercise provided
a chance to mingle and share experiences with the likes of Swedish submarine commanders, Dutch helicopter pilots and Cold War veteran former Soviet soldiers. On a more pleasant footing, HQ Coy was well represented on the Battalion alpine
skiing expedition with several personnel deploying to Tignes in France as instructors and students on a range of foundation level courses.
Finally, it is necessary to salute the efforts of those who answered the call to work through the Christmas leave period supporting C Coy on OP ISOTROPE, assisting the Border Force dealing with cross channel migrants.
All in all, 2022 was the expected balance of the unexpected, combined with maximising opportunities to train ourselves and also support all other elements of the Battalion.
1 Mercian BG Attached Arms, Salisbury Plain, Jul 22

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