Page 34 - MERCIAN Eagle 2022
P. 34

 RSO Capt McAloan RSWO WO2 Keane
                                  CIS Platoon
The beginning of 2022 saw CIS Platoon return to work from some well-deserved Christmas leave after an exceptionally busy 2021. Almost immediately, the Platoon found itself at the forefront of preparation for the 1 MERCIAN Battlegroup’s (BG) progression through Ex IRON STORM.
This began in February with the Platoon establishing a Command Post (CP) in Battalion Headquarters (BHQ) so that the HQ staff could get to grips with the planning process as part of mini-Command and Staff Training (CaST). In March, the Regimental Signals Officer (Capt McAloan), Regimental Signals Warrant Officer (WO2 Barringham) and Bowman System Manager (CSgt Harrison) then found themselves as part
of the recce to Sennelager (or ‘stag-do’ to Dortmund, depending on who you ask!) to start preparations for Staff training.
April saw the Platoon deploy as part
of the advanced party to Sennelager in order to ensure that comms were working effectively in the Combined Arms Tactical Trainer (CATT) simulators and that the
1 MERCIAN BG was set up for success. Additionally, the Platoon facilitated the BGHQ set-up in the CATT hall. Despite some long and emotional planning cycles for the BGHQ staff, the Platoon acquitted itself exceptionally well and learned valuable lessons that were of great use throughout the rest of Exercise IRON STORM.
Following Easter leave, the Platoon then deployed to Castlemartin Ranges where
it established a controlling CP as part of the Ex IRON STORM Combined Arms Live
Fire Exercise (CALFEX). This phase of the progression saw the Platoon valiantly man the net in a CP sited in a field which turned out to be something of a death trap for hay fever sufferers. Naturally, throughout this period, the Platoon took the opportunity
to experience the delights of Pembroke whenever the chance arose. It was also
at this time that Cpl Westfield, who had been covering the role of Platoon Sergeant since mid-2021, received a well-deserved promotion to Sergeant.
After a quick recovery and turnaround from Castlemartin, the Platoon then deployed with the rest of the battlegroup on the Ex IRON STORM Final Test Exercise on Salisbury Plain. This was a great opportunity for the Platoon to put into practice the skills which they had developed throughout the first few months of the year. As always, the exercise was not without the odd hiccup.
A particular highlight was when Sgt Duffy found himself and Command Vehicle 2 somewhat geographically embarrassed, resulting in his passenger (the Battalion 2IC) being 2km away from his Step Up HQ.
Ex IRON STORM complete, the Platoon settled into a steadier rhythm throughout the autumn of running CIS courses
for the rest of the Battalion, with Cpls Nash, Williams and Walsh working hard alongside Company Regimental Signals Detachment Commanders to deliver them to the highest possible standard. Along with the remainder of the Battalion, CIS Platoon also took part in the freedom marches through Chester, Tamworth, and Nottingham.
The post-IRON STORM period also saw several key personality changes, including the role of RSWO from WO2
CIS Platoon Bulldog Driver/Comd Training, Salisbury Plain, 2022
CIS Platoon Live Firing, Bulford Ranges, 13 May 2022
Luke Barringham to WO2 Rob Keane
and the handover of CIS CQMS from
CSgt Tom Edge to CSgt Jiban Rai. On a particularly sad note, Sgt Duffy, who had been a stalwart of the 1 MERCIAN CIS Pl, left the Battalion due to the amalgamation with 2 MERCIAN to don the red and white hackle as a member of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers CIS Platoon.
Autumn has been a good opportunity
for personal development among the
junior members of CIS Pl. Most notably, Ptes Spencer and Palfreyman, having successfully passed potential NCO
cadres earlier in the year, took their first steps on the promotional ladder and are now LCpls. LCpl Spencer also gained further recognition for his commendable performance in the light middleweight category during the inter-company boxing night. This trend of personal development
is set to continue, with several members
of the Platoon looking to attend their Regimental Signallers’ and Regimental Signals Detachment Commanders’ Courses at the beginning of next year.
Looking forward, CIS Platoon is ready to hit the ground running and will no doubt be at the forefront of the execution of several major exercises and deployments for the Battalion in 2023.

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