Page 55 - MERCIAN Eagle 2022
P. 55

                                Sports, Adventure Training & Messes
       The Colonel in Chief Visits the 2nd Battalion
On Fri 8 Jul HRH The Prince of Wales visited the 2nd Battalion. He was greeted at the Officers’ Mess by an Honour Guard, and presented a number of awards and medals to a small number of soldiers. After this he joined us for a garden party where he was able to meet an assembled group of all ranks and their families. After presenting Pte Derby with his promotion to LCpl, he then addressed
all present, wishing everyone well for the future beyond the amalgamation. Joining the Officers, Warrant Officers and SNCOs for
a photograph, he was bade farewell by our Fijian soldiers who sang Isa Lei, a traditional farewell song. A very special day.

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