Page 85 - MERCIAN Eagle 2022
P. 85

                                 Sennybridge Camp
For many of our cadets September means moving onto a new academic
year at school or even starting at a new college. For Alamein’s OC, Major Jeff Hyde, September also bought a new adventure and a new role. Alamein Company bid farewell and good luck to Major Hyde as
he started his new position as the County Training Officer and welcomed the new OC, Captain Craig Keyte. Alamein Company also said farewell to our outgoing Company Sergeant Major (CSM) Sergeant Major Instructor (SMI) Keith Newman as he stood down. We also welcome our new CSM,
SMI Karl Drinkall who has joined us from Inkerman Company. The rest of Autumn
has seen the continuation of training, with Alamein and Gheluvelt delivering more residential training at Tiddesley Wood CTC in October and gearing up for remembrance parade with drill training and leadership training and even some skill at arms and shooting.
Although the year is drawing to a
close, for the Cadets and Cadet Force Adult Volunteers (CFAV) of Hereford and Worcester ACF it is an exciting time to be a part of an organisation, with so many new
appointments, promotions and even a few medals for our longer serving CFAV. We
can reflect on all we have achieved as a County and we can be proud, particularly of our MERCIAN Cadets and CFAVs who, as always, show great resilience, enthusiasm, and a taste for adventure. We can look to the future with great confidence that we will continue to grow from strength to strength. If you, or someone you know, would like
to be a part of the Cadet Contingent
of the Regimental family by joining
Alamein Company please contact HW ACF at:
  Lord Lt Cadet and Maj Hyde
Capt Keyte and Maj Hyde

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