Page 86 - MERCIAN Eagle 2022
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                                  THE MERCIAN EAGLE
Museum of the Mercian Regiment (WFR Collection)
Jennifer Brookman-Moore. Curator
This year, we have been settling back into the normal routines in Nottingham. 2021 was certainly busy as we were making sure the gallery was up and running. Thankfully the work is now complete and we can focus on work back at the museum store in Foresters House.
2022 witnessed the completion of our Arts Council Funded project and in the museum gallery we now have a tv screen which showcases
the Regiment’s history for Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire from 1741 right up until the present-day Mercian Regiment. Using images from our archives and music similar to Band of Brothers it really adds a new angle to the gallery, never used before. Thanks to all of you who contributed to the project and filling in surveys for the project. Your words now appear in the video! In addition, we also have a medals database showcased on a touchscreen and on our website as well. The idea is to make
2022, has also been a year of change as
we welcome Kimberley Newell into the team
as Museum Assistant. Kim has taken on the responsibility of running the family history enquiry service and assisting myself as required. This now means that I can focus on other elements of my job that have had to take a back seat over the years. Other duties include helping
to photograph the museums
collection and scanning
in of archival documents.
Kimberley is no stranger to
Military Museums, as she has
volunteered with the National
Army Museum and worked with
the Lancashire Infantry Museum
in Preston.
There have been some
changes in the gallery for conservation reasons, and we now have a World War Two themed case which examines the fall of Tobruk and the victory
in El-Alamein. Both of which took place 80 years ago and are important World War II Battle Honors for the Sherwood Foresters. On display are medals for soldiers who were at the battles with their stories told in full as well as examining the role the Foresters played in the battles.
our medal collection more accessible and searchable for researchers and members of the public. Eventually there will 986 write ups on the website, we have made a small dent with this! If you haven’t visited already then please do. Serving Mercian soldiers get into the Castle at a discounted rate and veterans of the WFRA just need
their green card. Any serving soldier requiring entry or veteran needing a green card is asked to get in touch with the Assistant Regimental Secretary at RHQ Mercian (Nottingham).
In April we hosted C Coy 1 MERCIAN for Badajoz Day at Nottingham Castle. There was a parade prior to the raising of the red jacket within the Castle grounds. This was the first time since 2018! Afterwards the Coy had a talk from the Assistant
Kimberley Newell, the new Museum Assistant
On display are medals
for soldiers who were at the battles with their stories told in full

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