Page 16 - Out Birding Feb 2025
P. 16
View from the Chair
Well, that’s the Christmas and Hogmanay
fesvies over for another year, visitors all
dispatched home safely and hopefully well-
fed. As I write this, I am seeing quite a lot of
snow on the ground and watching the seed
in my feeders plunge faster than the tem-
perature gauge. The cold weather always
brings different species to the coast, and I
have seen Redwing and a Common Snipe in the garden today and a covey of Grey Partridges in the adjacent field. This is a difficult me for our feathered friends, and they need plenty of food to stave off the cold. They also need a plenful sup- ply of fresh water, and the constantly moving fresh water in our pond ensure that they don’t go thirsty. Not only this, but they also sll need to bathe to keep their feathers in p-top condion to escape the local Sparrowhawk and, sadly, local cats (as I just witnessed). I do my best to deter the cats using humane methods, but the frenzy at my feeders is irresisble to them.
I stopped making New Year’s resoluons a long me ago. By the me you read this, my best efforts at transformaon would have failed, again. However, I would certainly encourage members to take a look at our fantasc range of events that are available in the calendar and also keep a look out for previously unscheduled oungs that are adversed through Out Birding and the emailed news items. If you spot an interesng event, contact the organiser sooner rather than later in case the event has a numbers cap. We have also organised an interesng sched- ule of Zoom speakers which is a less energec way of bringing the birds to you. We know from feedback we receive from lapsed members that ‘not managing to aend events’ is the principal reason why people disconnue their membership. We are creatures of habit, and developing the habit of contacng event organis- ers to come along and have a fabulous day out is a great habit to make this year. My late mother always used to say, “never put off unl tomorrow what you can do today, because you might like it and can do it again tomorrow”. I know the mescales don’t quite work, but this concept is spot on. There is nothing as en- couraging for an event organiser to have a good turn-out plus new members.
We are gearing up for our Grand Get Together in Grantown-on-Spey in April. It is sll possible to join the event, but please check with Liz to see if there are any cancellaons for staying at the Grant Arms or whether you will need to find ac- commodaon nearby. It is promising to be a fantasc long weekend.
Andy Webb