Page 20 - Oundle Life January 2024
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                                ARTS SOCIETY
of Oundle
  We have been treated to some outstanding lectures in our autumn programme, as well
as a splendid Study Day (with lunch) in November when Timothy Walker gave three lectures entitled ‘The Soul, Art and Healing Power of Gardens’. To give some idea of the breadth of topics we offer, the first three lectures of the season were on the green man in churches, the art of art deco and Rabindranath Tagore: the Indian polymath poet, painter, writer and composer – when he wasn’t campaigning for Indian independence!
Volunteering with The Arts Society
The Arts Society Volunteering activities
have always been an important part of
what it has to offer, not least because the society’s charitable status depends on it.
So, while providing marvellous lectures on the arts has, and always will be, the core element of every society, volunteering has its place too. This month, for example, we were able to present a Church Record of St Peter’s Aldwincle to their PCC Chair John Pawlyn, which was the result
of several years’ work by our Church Recording Volunteer team. A completed record of Church Furnishings – literally everything inside the church, is an impressive document, a snapshot of a parish church in the 21st century. Anyone
interested in being involved should contact:
Other Volunteering sections include Trails
of Discovery. We completed St Leonard’s Apethorpe church trail in the Spring: Heritage Volunteering and Arts in the Community. Anyone interested should contact us even if you are not a member (yet!).
Our next Study Day will be in March when lecturer Simon Cottle will present three lectures
   Attendees will be invited to bring in their own glass items
on ‘The Artistry of Glass through time’ as always to include lunch. Attendees will be invited to bring in their own glass items (at their own risk!). Details will be on the website.
Our lectures in the New Year will include artists Banksy, Tintoretto and Georgia O’Keefe, as well as designer
Thomas Heatherwick, composer William Byrd and art collector and adventurer Stamford Raffles – surely something for everyone?!
Join our society via the website membership section: £45 a season for 10 lectures of outstanding breadth and quality. Must be an unbeatable bargain.
Nigel Harper, Chairman

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