Page 130 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 130

                                Kirkham Branch
We always appear to be the “quiet Branch” because our notes seem to be the shortest! The word “Quiet” is not the right one to describe our traditional Christmas walk- about which went down well, with all members, families and friends all having a great night out.
Macclesfield Branch
Our December meeting included a Christmas buffet, sadly no mince pies! January saw our belated Christmas lunch at Chester’s Restaurant,
Southern Region
by George Szwejkowski
Some of us made the long journey north to attend the annual Mons Reunion in Chester, it was most satisfying to march to Chester Cathedral behind a band. Let us hope that
it was not for the last time. Following the service, we marched back to Chester Castle where we enjoyed a curry lunch in St Mary’s Centre, during which our Almoner, Lynne Szwejkowski received a lovely surprise. She was presented with a special award by the President, Brigadier John Donnelly OBE, for
made us very welcome for the short service in the estate chapel. Congratulations to Peter Hennerley on his CRA President’s Award for his commitment and service on raising funds for the CRA, RBL and Mercian welfare with the DVD on Chapel Street veterans of WW1.
Tranmere Branch
by Rusty Cooney
The Christmas social and prize draw is always a hectic time for the organising committee and this year was no exception as we travelled far and wide looking for quality prizes that people would like to
win. As usual the artist and buffet were excellent and everyone appears to have had a very enjoyable evening. All the hard work Joe and Val Cotgrave put in to make it a successful night is greatly appreciated.
Our first Meeanee Dinner turned out to be a resounding success with members gathering at The Clipper for an excellent meal with plenty of wine flowing and it was followed by some great entertainment. At the end of June, we visited the NMA near Lichfield and enjoyed a meal at the RBL Club in nearby Alrewas.
Walsall Branch
by Reg Smith
At our AGM, the committee were all re- elected with the exception of our stalwart Les Sutton, who due to failing eyesight,
felt that he could not continue as our Treasurer. No member was willing to accept the position, so the secretary, Derek (Joe) Sadler is going to take it on, with any help from Les that he can manage. The
to which sixteen
members attended.
Another successful
day was Sunday 12th
February when we held
our Meeanee church
service at Capesthorne
Hall by kind permission
of Sir William Bromley
Davenport. Our AGM
was held in March, sad
to say that the committee was left short in numbers due to work commitments, but on a happier note, one of our longest standing members, Frank Worrall, has accepted the honour of being our Branch President.
Nantwich And District
by Ray Stafford
Each month the branch continues to have excellent attendance at its meetings held in the Crosville Social Club in Chester Street, Crewe. Over the past few months members have attended the Mons Day Parade and lunch in Chester, the Malaya Reunion and East Cheshire Reunion in Stockport – all most enjoyable occasions. Members also supported a recently held charity dance held in the Crosville Social Club, in aid of branch funds. They also attended Armistice services in the towns of Crewe and Nantwich and led the one at the Airman’s Grave, situated to the rear of Shrewbridge Road in Nantwich. At the latter the bugler, from nearby Bunbury did the last post and reveille in both the American and British way – quite unique.
Sandbach and Middlewich
by Dave Beech
Our local Remembrance parades went very well and were very well attended, more
so than in past years. Craig Roughley
laid the wreath at the Cenotaph and Tony Beckett was the standard bearer. Those members who travelled to Belgium with Tranmere Branch’s annual pilgrimage, enjoyed themselves. Our Christmas Dinner was enjoyed by all who attended but it was a pity to see a dip in numbers attending. Following a Branch Meeting in the early part of the year, we ended up listening to some of the older members talking about past escapades in their army service. It was all so interesting, I keep telling them to get it down in writing or to make a tape because when they are gone the stories will be lost forever.
all her work and support for the branch and the wider CRA. I can vouch for the fact that she is very seldom lost for words, however this was one of those rare occasions.
Remembrance Weekend saw a flurry of activity. First of all we represented the
regiment at the Field of remembrance at Westminster Abbey. Brigadier WKL Prosser CBE MC presented our plot to HRH the Duke of Edinburgh. Sunday saw us on Horse Guards Parade where 21 of us were able to form four ranks in order to march past the Cenotaph. We are grateful for all those who supported us and particularly to Phil Prince and Mick Rodaway who travelled down from Birkenhead and Chester respectively in order to take part. At the end of February we enjoyed another excellent Meeanee Ladies Dinner in Knightsbridge. Our thanks go to Trevor Taylor for once again pulling off another
 i can vouch for the fact that she is very seldom lost for words, however this was one of those rare occasions.
  wonderful event. We
are grateful to Brigadier
John Donnelly CBE
and his wife Jenny for
being our guests and
for giving everyone an
update on the CRA
and the 1st Battalion
in particular. During
the dinner he was
presented by the Rainham Masonic Lodge with a cheque for £250 that went directly to the Mercian Regiment Benevolent Fund. It is wonderful to have such generous support from the most unexpected sources.
Stockport Branch
by Keith Mort
The Branch Christmas festivities started with us joining the OCA in Ashton-under- Lyne for their annual Christmas party. The next event saw 22 ladies of the branch sitting down to their annual ladies Christmas dinner. They were wined and dined in the Mary Ward Suite at The Armoury TA Centre, waited on hand and foot by Maître d’ Alan Kennedy and his able bodied team, whilst the rest of us tucked into a buffet in the upstairs lounger. To start off the New Year we joined our friends in Macclesfield Branch for the Meeanee Service at Capesthorne Hall. Colonel Sir William Bromley-Davenport
Remembrance Parade was well attended and anyone who could
walk marched to the Cenotaph and the other members and ladies were waiting with the vast crowd to add support to the service. The people of Walsall and the surrounding
areas certainly turn out to show respect
to the fallen. December weather this year didn’t hamper our Christmas dinner dance as it did last year and 68 people sat down to enjoy an excellent four course dinner with some nice wine to sharpen the palette. Entertainment was provided by Steve Black who in his heyday had sung with the group Showwaddywaddy. We then set about organising our main event for the CRA, The annual Singapore Malaya reunion in June. As usual, it was held at Pelsall Club and once again everyone was able to sample the best fish and chips in the Black Country in between their beer and reminiscences.
The remembrance Parade was well attended and anyone who could walk marched to the cenotaph...

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