Page 131 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 131

                                Worcestershire & Sherwood Foresters regiment Association
Beside Saturday the 2nd of June being the Jubilee weekend, this year it coincided with the WFRA Annual Reunion held at the Sixways Rugby Club, Worcester. Whilst numbers were a little lower (perhaps due to other more regal celebrations) than previous years, this did not deter the veterans, soldiers and their families from joining in the fun and reaffirming their acquaintance with old friends. We were grateful to the military collectors who brought
along their magnificent vehicles, weapons and
other items of military interest and there was also
a photographic display arranged by the Mercian
Museum Regiment Museum (Worcester) and
RHQ Nottingham. RHQ are also very grateful to
the Cadets and Adult Instructors of the Hereford
and Worcester ACF, who ably assisted with the
programme selling and signing in desk.
The Drumhead Service was led by Canon Paul Tongue and the Regimental Silver Drums
were used for this. A parade of members of the Association took place around the Stadium car park and this was led by LCpl Derby XXIX whilst Lt Col Colin Marks, CO of 2 MERCIAN, took the salute. Following the Service Lt Col Marks addressed the Association with an update of the 2nd Battalion’s recent operational tour of duty and spoke of his pride at being part of the MERCIAN family.
The members of the Worcester Branch kindly ran a raffle with many prizes donated from the WFRA branches raising a magnificent total of £424.00.
It was a splendid day and good to see so many familiar faces. Date for your diary – next year’s Reunion will take place on the Glorious 1st June at the Rugby Club where we look forward to seeing members from all branches of the Association and the Battalion.
 We were grateful to the military collectors who brought along their magnificent vehicles...

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