Page 139 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 139

                                 Mercian Volunteers regimental Association
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Association was held in March at the
TA centre in Burton on Trent, by the
kind permission of CO 4 MERCIAN. The Chairman, Lt Col AJ Scott MBE welcomed the members and thanked the Burton Branch for their invitation to hold the AGM.
main aim, and we must strengthen our links with the Royal British Legion. We need to recruit new members, and there is still
a large number of ex-Mercians out there! What about our immediate predecessors, particularly 4 MERCIAN? Keep looking!
Finally, we have integrated as well as possible within the
Mercian Volunteers standards on parade
The Association extend their sincere condolences to the families of members who died during the last year. They are: Prebendary ‘Bob’
new Mercian Regiment and there seems to
be positive approval. We continue to look forward and not back. We have been through amalgamation fifty years ago and have come through with strength to face the future. In sum; a good year with plenty of progress, on a sound footing.
The Association held its Annual short
memorial service at the National Memorial Arboretum in the first week of November before the Committee meeting at RHQ.
A simple service; but nevertheless always impressive. Sadly Drum Sgt Alf Cooper has now retired. We would like to thank him for his support over a number of years.
  D Cheadle MBE TD,
Major Roy Boyd,
WO2 Stan Wilkinson,
WO2 Johnson
Mathews, WO2 John
Nervey, CSgt Reg
Bailey, Cpl George
Hamer, Cpl Nick
Pearson, Mr. Dickie
Powell, Mr. Kevin Hill, Cpl Don Cook and Cpl Mike Read. Mrs. Gillian Blake, wife of Lt Col JDC Blake who commanded
We must continue to remember that as a charity the welfare of our members is our main aim, and we must strengthen our links with the royal British Legion.
 1 MERCIAN V and Mrs. Trish Reeve, wife of Major DW Reeve, the first Adjutant of Mercian Volunteers, and other members of the Associations who have passed away.
The Chairman reported that the Association had enjoyed another good year. Well Done! We have kept the Association
in the eye of the public at large, and also
at the Mercian Regimental Headquarters due to the hard work of the members.
We must continue to remember that as a charity the welfare of our members is our
‘Ferret & Spanners’. Congratulations to Mick Salter and his colleague, Nigel Heywood who have raised £2100 for the Royal British Legion ‘Poppy’ Appeal this year
Mr Alan Fish and Mr Brian Turvey are pictured with the standards at the Gheluvelt Remembrance Service
  Some of B Company’s finest! In the party mood
Members of the Association at the Worcester Branch of WFRA Annual Dinner
The latest member, Stuart Weston now residing in New Zealand

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