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 WFR cap badge. In 1999, he volunteered to go to Kosovo with 2 RGJ as the Padre’s driver and close protection despite being over 55 and the oldest front line infantryman on deployment.
Although this book (which is currently being edited) – entitled “For a Worthy Purpose”
– will not be published, it will be printed and added to the Museum’s Archives as
 Dave joined The
Regiment Museum in
May 2004 having left
the Royal Mail at the
age of 60. He assumed
the post – which had
been vacant for a
number of years – having to work out for himself what his job was. He attended
the Curator’s course at The National Army Museum and also many computer (Modes), conservation and other museum-related courses and, finally, he planned, organised and oversaw the move from Norton Barracks to Dancox House, the home of 214 Bty, Royal Artillery (V). The museum owes a great deal to Dave and we wish him well in his retirement.
Lt Col Pat Love has retired from the Board of Trustees after so many years’
loyal service that even he has lost count. Fortunately, he is staying on as our longest- serving (22+ years) volunteer researcher.
A schoolmaster, he served in The Worcestershire Regiment TA for many years and then became a Trustee of the Museum. A keen historian, he devoted many years
to writing a history of The Worcestershire Regiment Territorial Forces from 1908-1920.
an excellent and very detailed reference document. It is hoped that it will be available on CD through the Museum Office and it should be very popular when the World War I Centenary celebration
and commemoration events begin in 2014. Cllr Andy Roberts has also left the Board this year having found that his Council responsibilities took up too much time.
Enquiries continue to come in – sometimes a flood and sometimes a trickle – but each one is researched by one of our willing volunteer researchers and responded to personally. The work which the researchers put in is extensive, detailed and time-consuming but the end result provides much satisfaction for our enquirers. Volunteers are always being sought and anyone with even a remote interest in
the Museum is invited to contact us and volunteer. Those who have not yet visited our Gallery are invited to do so: it is in the Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum in Foregate Street, and entrance is free.
... he served in The Worcestershire regiment TA for many years...
                                Worcestershire & Sherwood
Foresters Museum
(Sherwood Foresters Collection) By Cliff Housley
 The year has been a most eventful one
for the museum and indeed its staff, for not only have we had a name change to reflect our links with the Mercian Regiment but we have seen the retirement of Eddie Edwards as Archivist,
we are having to be much more selective as to what we actually take, due mainly
to space in the reserve collections room. Some very interesting items received came about as the result of a research trip to
Mrs Angela Tarnowski. Asst Curator & Archivist
present in the affair, it’s nice to be able to add these items to our collection
Enquiries take up a considerable amount of time and there seems to be no end to the flood of requests. However, we are perhaps better equipped than most other regiments in that we have the use of several data-bases on which we are able to call. The main one gives varied details on just over 119,200 men who have served in the regiment. In addition we have two Records of Officers’ Services, one for the “Sherwood Foresters” 1741–1970 and one for “The Worcester and Sherwood Foresters” 1970 to 2007. We can also call on a complete
roll of all gallantry winners to the Regiment between1854-1970. We are also fortunate in having a file of over 10,500 photographs of Officers and Men covering all periods, which is regularly increased by the addition of new photographs collected from many sources by our volunteers. A new data- base has been opened in respect of men who have served in the Worcestershire
and Sherwood Foresters 1970-2007. Mr Edwards requests that anyone who would like to be included in it should send in their details along with a photograph, addressed to RHQ Nottingham.
Irish Rebellion badge to “Dublin Brigade”
and the arrival of his
replacement, Mrs
Angela Tarnowski.
Angela comes with
very high credentials for
she started work at the
National Army Museum
where she gained all
her qualifications up to
Curator level. She spent
quite a number of years
as the Curator of the
9/12th Lancers museum at Derby before her marriage and move to France. Some years later she has returned to the UK, just at the right moment for our museum.
The museum has taken in a number of items this year, far too many to list here;
Dublin by Cliff Housley and Eddie Edwards who wanted to research the Irish Rebellion in order to put together
an illustrated talk on the 1916 Easter Rising, which Cliff has added to his programme of talks he gives on behalf of the museum and Crich. A contact they made whilst there has
sent through the post a number of badges and an Irish Volunteers belt buckle, and oil bottle. All these items were worn or used during the 1916 Easter Uprising. As the Sherwood Foresters had four battalions
 Some very interesting items received came about as the result of a research trip to Dublin
          Buckle to “Irish Volunteers”

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