Page 47 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 47

                                A company
An Armoured Infantry Company in BATUS
   Throughout October 2012, A Coy,
3 MERCIAN, undertook Ex PRAIRIE THUNDER 4 in BATUS as the AI Coy of
the 3 MERCIAN BG. B Coy, 4 SCOTS, augmented A Coy with seven dismounted sections which meant the AI Coy was fully manned for the exercise. The AI Coy arrived in mid September to sunshine and soaring temperatures but this was not to last.
A Coy deployed having completed CT1 and conceptual and virtual training to CT2 and started the exercise on the Prairie with the basics of Section level drills. The Coy then quickly progressed through Platoon, to Coy (both light role and AI), on to Coy Gp and then BG operations. The progression of
the training was excellent with the BATUS staff fully grasping the compressed training cycle that C-FORM has demanded.
organic Bn assets before grouping with Armour, Engineers and Guns and operating in complex urban environments as well as
utilising the expanse of the Prairie for manoeuvre warfare.
J Bty, 3 RHA and the 3 MERCIAN Mortar Platoon provided Fires for the duration of
the exercise, with Cpl Franks from Mortars providing such an effective smoke screen, as the Coy broke
into the town of Tarmec, that the safety supervisors had to call a ‘Stop, stop, stop’ and wait for the smoke to clear before
the Coy could continue live firing. A Coy actions which will not be soon forgotten are Lt Priggs gallantly leading 3 Platoon past the indirect fire safe line into mortar and artillery fire and LCpl Doyle (80) leading perhaps the best WR section attack the BATUS staff have ever seen.
The Coy then fitted TES and entered the free play phase of the exercise against the 4 SCOTS COEFOR (which included C Coy, 3 MERCIAN) where there was a resounding 4-0 victory against our battle hardened
foe. For many of the inexperienced
The first two weeks
of the exercise were
spent live firing, using
every weapon system
available to the Coy,
which saw the skills
and TTPs of the Coy
honed to the highest
of standards. The
training resources were
exceptional with the Coy
conducting all phases
of conventional operations, integrating
 Highlights of the TeS phase included working with the media and watching the playback...
      A Coy assaulting the town of PAKSHAR
WO2 Hunter (CSM) briefing prior to an assault

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