Page 48 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 48

                                   A Coy assualt during live firing phase
A Coy commanders it was the first time conducting defensive operations, including a reserve demolition, working with Titan and Trojan armoured engineer assets
and operating in a high tempo Future Character of Conflict environment. Whilst the learning curve for many was herculean, the Coy performed admirably, delivering
in spades on every mission. Highlights of the TES phase included working with the media and watching the playback of LCpl Rafferty almost keeping his composure whilst under significant pressure during the assault on the town of Hettar; conducting
a Coy fighting withdrawal against a Sqn
of tanks and not taking a single casualty and it was a particular joy for A Coy to capture OC C Coy, Maj Major, after he
put up a particularly weak defence of his vehicle. However, the most notable memory will be the freezing conditions for the last week of the exercise where temperatures plummeted to minus 13, before the wind chill is even considered. The command team was particularly impressed by the twelve Private soldiers who completed ITC Catterick and deployed immediately to a 4 week BATUS exercise and survived all but arctic conditions with good humour and utter professionalism.
WO2 Adam Hunter CSM A Coy
Warrior supports SCOTS DG Challenger on the assault
Warrior on patrol in the snow
as Armour, Guns and Engineers adding their capabilities to the AI Coy Gp. There was then the intricacies of integrating with a very capable allied nation force (C Coy,
Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry), which was armed, equipped and sustained in a different manner
to ourselves. The key relationship for A Coy, however, was with
C Sqn, SCOTS DG, who proved themselves to be an extremely professional Challenger 2 equipped sub unit who added real value during every Coy Gp
operation; but it was a relationship borne of hard work, continued communication
The key lessons identified during the exercise were the need for integration at
all levels, communication, anticipation and exploiting success. All of these will be taken forward during MST as
A Coy prepares for the
role of the Armoured
Infantry Coy on
Op HERRICK 19. The
main elements of the
lessons are as follows.
•  Integration within the
Coy was relevant at
every level, be that the
4 SCOTS dismounts
integrating with their WR
crews, the organic Bn
assets such as Snipers,
Javelin and Mortars
integrating their weapons and ISTAR effects within the Coy or BG assets such
 The key relationship for A coy, however, was with c Sqn, ScOTS DG, who proved themselves to be an extremely professional challenger 2 equipped sub unit
             A Coy dismounted operations
A Coy Advancing to Contact PT4

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