Page 50 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 50

 OC Maj S Burton MBE 2IC Capt V Graves CSM WO2 J Rollins WSM CSgt S Johnson CQMS CSgt D Williams CQMS(T) CSgt J Ross
                                 B company
   It has been a year full of challenge and change for B Company. I can hardly believe that a year has passed since we returned from Afghanistan. However, when we consider the numerous activities we have completed over the last year I also find it difficult to believe that we have crammed in so much. On our return from Op HERRICK 13/14 and the following Post Operational Leave, Freedom Parades and medals presentations the focus for B Company switched to preparing for
3. This would see us
being attached to the
their only Armoured
Infantry Company and
then subsequently
deploying with them to
BATUS in Canada. This
exercise was then to be
followed with a high profile deployment on Ex SABRE JUNCTION where B Company would deploy to Bavaria to work alongside a US Army STRYKER Bde as part of a 19 nation coalition in the largest exercise of its type since 1989. Both of these exercises will be covered separately elsewhere in the journal. With a flexible attitude, sense of humour and an eye for detail the Company managed to coordinate a holistic training schedule which saw use prepare, select and train the men of B Company in order
to ensure we had a balanced force which would be self sufficient and contain sufficient redundancy. Our soldiers trained both academically and physically. Internal Armoured Infantry cadres saw us qualify some 26 WARRIOR crews. We also sent soldiers to external courses such as SCBC, PSBC, WR DMI, WR RIG and numerous specialist qualification and driving courses. Throughout the year 85% of B Company soldiers have also completed some form
Exeter. Surprisingly, compared to the Royal Marines our drill looked quite impressive.
B Coy also provided the enemy for a UKSF exercise and completed numerous other RAAT tasks mainly in support of 12 Bdes’s PDT. A group of B Company soldiers
were also invited to attend a dinner at the House of Lords where we were presented with a signed England football shirt and
a signed Stoke City FC football, both of which sit pride of place in the Company bar in Fallingbostel. Men from B Company were also able to attend a Battlefield tour of Arnhem which reinforced our Regimental ethos and was a real eye opener for the younger members of the audience.
There has been a vast turnover of personnel during the last 12 months and many B Company soldiers have moved to other posts within the Battalion, Regiment and wider Army. We wish them and their families the best of luck for the future. There have also been a significant number of babies fathered by the men of B Company. Congratulations go to: Lt Middleton,
WO2 Rollins, CSgt Williams, LCpls Lacey, Podmore, Richards, Walker and Ptes Burt, Linton, Saunders, Smith 84.
of Adventure Training ranging from horse riding to parachuting and pretty much everything in-between. Concurrently to this mayhem B Company, under the mentorship of CSgt Woodward spectacularly won the Inter Company boxing
competition which saw some extremely brave and tenacious performances. The
B Company football team were also crowned Battalion football champions, despite my goal keeping performance. Throughout the year we have also jumped through the required training hoops such
as Gunnery Camp, CAST and CATT. But some unique activities that stand out during this hectic period were the opportunity for
B Company to represent the 3rd Battalion at the 3 Commando Bde Freedom parade in
Throughout the year 85% of B company soldiers have also completed some form of Adventure Training ...

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