Page 6 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 6

                                 THE MERCIAN EAGLE
By the Commanding Officer, Lt Col PWC Kimber MBE
I wrote the last forward having just returned from the recce to Kenya for Ex ASKARI THUNDER. At the time I thought the Battalion had a busy year ahead of it; I
was not wrong. I write this forward with ten days to go before deployment on
Op HERRICK 17 and it feels like yesterday that I was writing the last forward. The year was dominated by the completion of Hybrid Foundation Training (HFT) and the preparation for HERRICK 17.
The final training event of HFT was
Over 1000 troops deployed as part of
1 MERCIAN Battle Group or the Brigade Reconnaissance Force in early January. Companies initially completed company level dry and live firing before moving on
to the final exercise, which consisted of
a BG advance to contact up two major valleys. En route a number of villages had
to be secured and the local population reassured of their safety. The culmination of the exercise was a night attack on to a final defended position using the FIST equipment (the Bn being the lead for FIST integration in 4 Bde). The effectiveness of the equipment and training was demonstrated by
C Company who, as the reserve company, were launched at night on to the final enemy strong hold and managed to kill over 20 enemy with no friendly casualties. A feat made all the more impressive as both sides were using weapon effects simulation. Almost every man in the BG also got at least 5 days adventurous training with groups making it up Mount Kenya and one lucky team completing a weeks diving in Mombasa! Both the Officers and Warrant Officers also enjoyed what must have
been one of the largest dinner nights in recent history with 150 enjoying an outdoor extravaganza with Mount Kenya in the background.
On return from Kenya the Battalion launched immediately into Collective Mission Specific Training (MST). Although referred to as a ‘sausage factory’ or a ‘tread mill’ the training really was outstanding
and has prepared us all extremely well for the demanding and complicated tour
we are about to undertake. Commander
4 Brigade has commented that 4 Brigade are probably the best prepared brigade to deploy. I certainly feel that the Battalion is as well prepared as it could be. The training was certainly long with many commenting that they, ‘certainly had another tour in them but not sure about another MST!’. Having completed live firing in Hythe and Lydd, MST CAST, the CFX, the CALFEX and the FTX it is difficult to identify where serials could be cut from the progression. What
I am certain about is that the single most important serial of the whole of MST was the leave period all managed to get prior
to the FTX. The fact that this period was protected is all the more remarkable when you consider it took place over the Olympic window. You really could see the spring in the step had returned to all members of the Battle Group as they got to grips with the FTX.
Sporting success has continued with another defeat of 1 SCOTS at boxing, this time at home in Marne Barracks. We look forward to taking forward the Bn boxing team on return from Afghanistan with a number of teams asking for matches. A number of charity events have also been run, raising money for various charities including ABF, The Soldiers Charity and
the Mercian Benevolence Fund; highlights being the Mercian March from Catterick to Chester and the wives ascent of Snowdon. All soldiers in the Bn have also raised money for the 1st Battalion memorial, the genesis, design and location of which was driven by the soldiers themselves and which is taking shape on the parade square as I write this forward.
As with all battalions, the pace and diversity of life this year has been extra- ordinary but I can say with confidence
that we are well placed for the demands
of Op HERRICK 17. Like the Officers and Men of the 2nd and 3rd Battalions over the last year, I have no doubt that the Officers and Men of the 1st Battalion will STAND FIRM AND STRIKE HARD over the next six months.

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