Page 8 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 8

                                Over the six weeks of the exercise
the Company became adept at travelling over difficult terrain at day or night, avoiding hostile lions, clearing compounds, and unwinding during R&R. Having exercised in Kenya a number
of times over the last
decade, I can say the
physical and mental
stresses caused by Ex
Askari Thunder have
certainly increased,
thereby better preparing
our men for operations.
Each man therefore set about to earn his place, firstly during the Confirmatory Field Exercise through CALFEX and finally on to the Field Test Exercise. Adapting our conventional skills to a COIN environment
 On completion of the
exercise the Company
was ready for mission-
specific training. It was also our chance
to welcome the latest incumbent to the
1 Platoon sergeant berth, Sgt Simpson from ITC Catterick via a short stint with
Fire Support Company, and Lt Alex Kersey who became the Company 2IC, following Capt Steve Rice’s posting to the ITC and our various attachments, namely Capt Gavin Smyth, Lt Joe Walcott and Bdr Fennell from the Royal Artillery, and LCpl Palin from the Intelligence Corps. Despite the truncated cascade training forced
upon the Battalion due to the timing of Kenya, the Company set about learning the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) required for Afghanistan. Competition within the Company was high, as the role in theatre would only need two platoons.
Cpl Dave McMahon shares a moment with ‘Lt Trehane’
Cpl Wells – to AFC Harrogate
Cpl ‘Big Dave’ MacMahon – Civvy Street, possibly as a publican
LCpl Rotherham – Civvy Street
LCpl ‘Lizard’ Smith 11
Pte ‘SAS’ Williams – to Civvy Street, hopefully the Royal Mail
Pte Davies – to Civvy Street
Pte Scarfe – to Civvy Street
Pte Stocker – to Civvy Street
Pte Singleterry – to Civvy Street
Pte Hannah – to Snipers
Pte Phillips – to FSG
Pte Jones 01
took some by surprise, but it has been the men’s enthusiasm
and eagerness to deploy which has surmounted these teething problems.
As bit by bit our newly-qualified SCBC corporals returned from Brecon a noticeable confidence permeated
through them, so by the time of the FTX the Company’s performance peaked.
Although we still have much to learn we are eager to absorb the lessons from the in-theatre training package and meet and learn from the sub unit we will replace. And so, as has become familiar over the last 12 months, we shall deploy first from the Battalion and hopefully lead the way through a successful tour.
Over the last 12 months the Company has said goodbye to the following,
and wishes them all well in their future endeavours:
Capt Steve Rice – to 1ITB, Catterick
CSgt Whitmore – to the Signals Platoon as CQMS
Sgt Coulter – moved on to Support Coy
 Over the six weeks of the exercise the company became adept at travelling over difficult terrain
at day or night...
  From L – R, Pte Jennerway, Pte Brock, Pte Gilmartin, Pte Antrobus

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