Page 68 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 68

  SPS Detachment
The year has been a busy one for the SPS Detachment with a number of personnel leaving after the return from Op HERRICK 19 and some new faces to replace those departing or to fill manpower gaps. A successful SPS Inspection in February
was the result of much hard work by all members of the Detachment. Following the inspection, Sgt Martyn Nixon, LCpl Jamie Nairn and Pte Mark Wynne departed to Austria to take part in the AGC Alpine Ski Championships; although no trophies were brought back, all performed well and, more importantly, had a rare opportunity to get away from often mundane office work in a testing environment.
In May, WO2 Gary Drury, Sgt Gina Broadhurst, Sgt Sarah Teal and Pte Mitch Oakley took part in the annual AGC Triple Crown Championships at Worthy Down. This competition is the major AGC event
of the year and involves a military skills element and a march and shoot. The
team entered the march and shoot and, despite the hot weather, came home in a respectable time. The event coincided with the AGC’s 20th anniversary celebrations and Pte Louise Wraight displayed her
polo skills as she participated in a few
exhibition match chukkas. In June, Germany celebrated the 20th anniversary
of the AGC and the main event was an inter-brigade sports competition. This was won by 7 Armd Bde and members of the Detachment represented the Bde in most sports; including a challenging command race, cross-country, football and tug-of-war. Some competitions were more successful than others and it did not help that half of the tug-of-war team were pressed men
and women from the spectators’ area! Everyone was able to relax at an all ranks function with a beach party theme in Hohne Roundhouse.
Regt Acct courses have been endured,
and driver training has continued with
Lt Michelle Taylor learning how to command a Bulldog (not much help as she actually has a Labrador) and Pte Louise Wraight learning how to drive a bulldog (she does not yet have a dog). SSgt Siobhan Lalley attended the ISO course just in time for
the introduction of MOSS and there have
Summer leave
preceded a concerted
effort to prepare the
Battalion for deployment
to BATUS. Members of
the Detachment were
widely spread with
A Coy – acting as the
AI Coy, Camp Crowfoot
and back in Bad Fallingbostel. Cpls Rob Ashley and John Martin were deployed with B Coy to Southern Germany on Ex SABER JUNCTION having already done their stint in BATUS with the SCOTS DG BG.
Personal and professional development has been to the fore despite work and other activities. CLMs have been passed,
Pte Oakley checking that his weight is not above that required prior to the march and shoot commencing
been numerous other courses and much Detachment training
at the regular (mostly) weekly sessions where the junior members
of the Detachment enjoy delivering the presentations required to pass their SIPAC.
The year has passed quickly and the
next ‘batch’ of personnel is due to leave soon. This includes Maj Mitch Pegg who is soon to leave the Army after over 35 years service. He must have joined when he was only 5 as he certainly does not look that old! He retires to his ‘Barn’ in Lincolnshire where he intends living off the land (and his wife).
Maj Pegg, LCpl Nairn, Pte Goundar and Sgt Teal enjoy the indoor beach experience
 everyone was able to relax at an all ranks function with a beach party theme in Hohne roundhouse.
    With 12 miles completed, the girls are still smiling as they approach the march and shoot finish line
RAO Maj Mitch Pegg
SPS Det Comd Lt Michelle Taylor RAWO WO2(SQMS) Gary Drury
                                   line accounting trial. Designed to improve 1st line accounting procedures, an RLC Logistic Support Detachment (LSD) has been embedded into the Platoon taking over 1st line accounting utilising the power of MJDI software. After 8 months and a BATUS deployment the trial report has now
been submitted. It is hoped many or the recommendations made by 3 MERCIAN will shape how front line QM Platoons will be manned in the new A2020 era.
As a closing note the Pl is now looking forward to the challenges ahead. The reception of Operational Equipment
into unit, 7X Operational Support Visit (OSV), Mission Specific Training (MST), Presentation of New Colours and finally the Op HERRICK 19 deployment. The Platoon is fully manned, trained and prepared to take these tasks head on.

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