Page 69 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 69

                                 Welfare Centre By Captain Mick Whillock
It seems like a distant memory since the Battalion safely returned back from OP HERRICK 14. The last twelve months has now seen the Welfare team completely change; less Mrs Liz Kennedy, who has been in post for many years and is very experienced when dealing with housing matters and so much more. Sadly we said farewell to Cpl Robinson the old Post NCO, he has retired from the Army after serving over 22 years and moves on to greater things with his family back in the UK.
a last minute decision to go ahead so we originally planned it as a small event, but with mass interest aided by hot sunny weather and good food; the turn out for the day
was just short of 350 people. This was a fantastic day enjoyed by all; children entered a number of competitions one being the ‘best crown’ competition, a lot of effort was put into making the crowns and costumes both from the children and mothers. I might add that it was not just the children wearing face paints, Colour Sergeant Phil Sharples pushed to the front of the queue and set the tone, he was looking very English with his red and white face.
The Battalion Jubilee Day was for all members of 3 MERCIAN started with a Battalion photo, then the families came along mid-afternoon with a street party theme,
lots of mini stalls, beer tents, display stands.
 I believe the Welfare Centre has moved forward in so many directions, it is now well established and very much the Hub for the Soldiers and Families of 3 MERCIAN. The Mercian Knot Café is the meeting point for many, soldiers nip in on their way to and from work, wives catch up with friends and children tire themselves out in the soft play area. Also within the
complex there is the
PRI shop, Lou Lou’s
Hairdresser, the post
room, rear garden with
BBQ and small play
pen and the Mercian
Nest Bar upstairs. The
Welfare centre is a
place that is used for many social events, such as the Wives’ Coffee Morning every Wednesday, children’s birthday parties
and Company socials.
‘The Ball and Chain Gang’ is the Wives Committee Team and we are now currently on the second group. It is crucial that the families take an active part whilst serving
out in Germany; this brings the Mercian Community together. They have been brilliant in bringing fresh ideas and organising functions and events throughout the year
for everyone to enjoy. It is important that there is plenty to do and that the building is used to its full capacity, with the Ball & Chain Gang supporting the Welfare Staff, so much more has been achieved .
Whilst 3 MERCIAN was away in BATUS, the Welfare Staff used this opportunity as a rehearsal opportunity to get it right for when the battalion deploys to Afghanistan again late next year. We proved that we could do a numerous of events for everybody’s needs with the minimum funding. Come next year when the Welfare gets the uplift in support, we will be able to do so much more. It was actually proven that while the Battalion is
in BATUS that the families had less regular communication with their husbands than when on operations, which goes to show that the Welfare System on operations are excellent and really does make the world a smaller place.
The Battalion have continued to be busy whilst on Regimental Duties but during the last twelve months there has been some major events where the Soldiers and families managed to let their hair down and relax. Starting with the Saint Georges day, this was
Despite the wet weather it never dampened the spirits and everybody managed to enjoy themselves. With an outdoor disco and live band it was not quite Glastonbury, but wellies and umbrellas were used
throughout. The highlight of the evening was when the solo female artist came on stage, the soldiers never missing a trick, without instruction, decided that the marquee needed to be closer and so with the minimum fuss,
it was moved. I was initially worried that
the day would be a washout, but it went
on to 1am in the morning. The additional highlight was England beating Sweden
3-2 in the group stages of the World Cup. Unfortunately the good luck did not last much longer for the England Team.
The other events which were held whilst the husbands were in BATUS included ‘Back to School’, Ladies Pamper Night, Unity German and Fijian Day and
a Quiz Night. These were organised by the Ball and Chain Gang, each event
was a complete success and that was down to the time and effort of the ladies. Throughout the year the committee have also raised a lot of money into the Wives Welfare Fund which has been put to good use within the complex and events.
The Unity German and Fijian Day was an excellent family day where two cultures were celebrated. We were faced again with strong winds and heavy down pours of rain. The day before the event one marquee and small tent were blown over and this put a stop to any outside activies; the German Band even cancelled due to severe weather warnings. On the day everything was brought inside which actually worked out really well. Additionally we had many items brought from the Fallingbostel War Museum and the children were able to try costumes on and look at many of the old weapons used from World War 2. The Fijian community put the
Lord Lieutenant of Staffordshire and wife visit the 3 MERCIAN Motorcycle Club stand at the Jubilee Celebration
Patriotic cakes as baked by 3 MERCIAN wives
Cpl Vasu leads the ‘grog’ making ceremony
colour back in to the building with bright warm costumes and I was given my own Fijian shirt which I wore with pride. The food was excellent! LCpl Vasu took the lead with this and the religious ceremonial proceedings which gave everyone an insight into their culture. Another of the high points was when the Fijian wives demonstrated some of their traditional dances routines.
Christmas is close upon us and another year is coming to an end, the wives will be concentrating on organising their Wives’ Christmas Dinner & Father Christmas will be paying a visit to our children. The main focus will then turn towards the Battalion deploying to Afghanistan, with training commencing after the Easter holidays. The Welfare team will be looking to support the families back at home in the UK who do not have partners with them.
  i believe the Welfare centre has moved forward in so many directions
Captain Mick Whillock UWO C/Sgt Phil Sharples UWSNCO Cpl Robinson UWJNCO
Cpl Hulmes Post NCO
Mrs Liz kennedy Welfare Clark

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