Page 91 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 91

                                     Young Officers and OTC Cadets are addressed by Colonel Walton as he visits them in the field. (30th May)
the Tactical and Strategic levels. This very rewarding and in-depth experience was capped off by a tour of the UN Line, Nicosia International Airport and of Wayne’s Keep Cemetery, where a short memorial service was conducted. It also allowed for very positive interaction between the Officers and SNCOs, giving them a chance to develop together.
Throughout the 14-day camp Adventurous Training took on an important role. Troops were able to choose between scuba diving, parachuting, mountain biking or rock climbing. This was a wonderful package that was delivered by Captain Chris Hymas (PSAO F Coy) and allowed everyone to try something new that would be extremely difficult and costly to organise back in the UK. However, R & R not being far from any good soldier’s mind, there was even time for a brief stop at Nissi Beach as well as a night out in Paphos.
The final phase was a five-day FTX, which took place during
the second week of camp. Exercising troops deployed as a fully- formed Company, under the command of Major Watson (OC E Coy).
Gheluvelt Coy deploys from a landing craft into a beach assault on Cyrprus’ South Coast. (3rd June 2012)
Soldiers from 4 MERCIAN carry out searching drills on an exercising enemy casualty. (5th June 2012)
End of Exercise photo of Gheluvelt Coy in Paramali Village. (7th June 2012)

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