Page 92 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 92

                                   crich Pilgrimage Sunday 1 July 2012
By Cindy Baines, Assistant Regimental Secretary
A mixture of the elements of wind, rain, cold and very little sunshine did not dampen the spirits of the large crowd who gathered at Crich this year.
The Pilgrimage this year was led by the Archdeacon of Derby
the Venerable Dr Christopher Cunliffe, ably assisted by the Vicar
of Crich, Philip Brooks and the Dean of Amber Valley, Father Michael Kirkham. It was a magnificent sight to see the four Colour Parties of The Mercian Regiment on parade flanked by a record number of Standards; with those from the WFRA joined by the other antecedents Regiments and cadets from Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. Tremendous thanks to the cadets and adult instructors of B Coy (Retford) Notts ACF and Derbyshire ACF who gave up their Sunday to rattle the cans, line the steps and distribute programmes and also to the members of C Coy 4 MERCIAN for
their assistance in making the weekend such a great success, we could not manage without you all.
The civic procession made up of high sheriffs, mayors, chairmen, police and Members of
Parliament from the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire area were led up the hill by the Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire, Mr William Tucker and the Lord Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire, Sir Andrew Buchanan Bt KCVO for whom this was to be one of his last public appearances in his appointment before his retirement from the role the following week.
The newly promoted, Colonel of the Regiment, Major General Sharpe OBE gave a moving speech about Crich being “our cathedral in the sky”.
After the event the civic dignitaries mingled with the regimental family and the sun finally came out to cheer and warm us all. It was good to see a contingent of new recruits from the Infantry Training Centre, Catterick and many members and their families from across the Regiment join the countless ‘old and bold’ and their families at the most poignant event in the regimental calendar . Planning has already started to take place for next year’s event which will be held on the 7 July.
                           THE MERCIAN EAGLE

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