Page 94 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 94

 Platoon Commander Platoon Sergeant Section Commanders
Lt L A J Fitzpatrick MERCIAN Sgt C M Lavelle MERCIAN Cpl M E Orton MERCIAN
Cpl D I Allison R WELSH
Cpl G W G Williams R WELSH Cpl A R Taylor MERCIAN
 Platoon Commander Platoon Sergeant Section Commanders
Capt D L Moffat MERCIAN Sgt W Dale MERCIAN
Cpl B Fellows MERCIAN Cpl M Ryan MERCIAN
                                  THE MERCIAN EAGLE
Prince OF WALeS’S DiViSiOn cOMPAnY
2 Platoon
Once again it is Mercian Eagle season, and this time around Prince of Wales’ Two Platoon (P2) are completing the final stages of CIC Cse 12.01. It has been an eventful twelve months with several farewells and new arrivals.
Firstly, Cpl McCabe has grumbled his
way back to 1 MERCIAN and will shortly be deploying on H17 with them. We wish him the best of luck but politely decline any future invitations to the ‘bar’ (garage). Sgt Evans has moved on within ITC and is working
with Queen’s Division. Capt Dave Rossiter, after a brief and loveless flirtation with Bad Fallingbostel, has moved on to a post with HQ 4 Bde and will deploy on H17 shortly. We wish them every success and good luck for the future.
4 Platoon
4 Pl Prince of Wales Division are currently in Week 5 of the Combat Infantryman’s Course. Currently we are on a trial course which sees
weeks 1–5 replaced with weeks 1–7. This is in an effort to relax the pressure recruits put on themselves in the initial 5 weeks. We held a successful families’ day at the end of week 3. There was no drill but the
Cpl Orton has arrived from 3 MERCIAN straight from H14 and has wasted no
time settling in. Cpl Taylor has arrived from
1 MERCIAN and has stepped into Cpl McCabe’s shoes with aplomb. Sgt Lavelle has moved from 2 MERCIAN to take over as Pl Sgt.
The pace of life is, as ever, fast and the Platoon Staff have a busy schedule over the coming twelve months. The recruits are about to be tested on Final Exercise in Garelochhead before conducting their pass out parade in mid- October. When Cse 12.01 passes, preparations will begin for the next course in the New Year. However, there is opportunity for downtime and Lt Fitzpatrick will be leading from the front as he deploys on Ex Frosted Blade in Val d’Isere for six weeks of (après) ski competition.
focus had switched to the welfare and the development of the soldier. This was followed by a long week end for the recruits.
... without a doubt this is an improvement for staff morale!
early stages it is difficult to judge this success. There are also fewer working weekends for the permanent staff – without a doubt this is an improvement for staff morale!
In another effort to maintain staff morale,
The majority of what is
taught has not changed,
with the major changes
being around the
programming. At the end of week 4 the recruits are treated to a day at ‘Adrenaline’ where they
PoW 4 is planning a ski expedition to France in the early New Year.
experienced the high ropes course, went quad biking and enjoyed paintballing.
The recruits have to wait until week 7 now to pass off the square and earn their Regimental beret, allowing more time to be taught drill. One of the aims of this new program is to increase retention; as the new program is still in the
     infantry Training centre

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