Page 96 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 96

                                Visit Of Maj Gen Porter to Pass Out Parade course 11.17
Capt Steve Rice, OC 7 PL Prince of Wales’ Company
On Friday 31 August 2012 the Prince of Wales’ Company, ITC Catterick hosted Major General Roddy Porter MBE as inspecting officer of the Pass Out Parade for course 11.17, which included 7 Platoon, the Prince of Wales’ Company.
The visit commenced on the Thursday evening with dinner for all Divisional Permanent Staff Officers and those Officers in the Inspection Party, at The Black Horse in Kirkby Fleetham. The subsequent day there followed a presentation by CO 1ITB, Lt Col P B Stitt RRF , and the official opening of the Pask MC block. Also present along with the inspection party were CSgt Pask MC 2 Royal Welsh, and his wife.
The Pass Off Parade was conducted
to an excellent standard, under brilliant sunshine. Following the March Off, the Divisional PS Officers along with those Officers, Warrant Officers and guests involved in the inspection party took
lunch in the Infantry Mess, followed by a photograph to commemorate the occasion. The inspecting Officer then moved to the
BACK ROW L-R – Capt J Hoy LANCS, Capt S J Rice MERCIAN (Pl Comd P7), Maj B Redshaw YORKS,
Capt J Murphy R WELSH, Lt S J Kennon RIFLES, WO1 (RSM) J Groves 2 R WELSH, WO2 (RQMS) S Watts RIFLES FRONT ROW L-R – Col C Langston CF (Snr Chaplain), Col (Retd) P L Gooderson Late RRW,
Major General RJM Porter MBE Late RWF (Inspecting Officer), Lt Col P B Stitt RRF (CO
1ITB), CSgt R Pask MC 2 R WELSH, Lt Col A T Smallbone MERCIAN (Divisional Lt Col),
Maj J M Parr MERCIAN (OC Prince of Wales’ Company), Capt M Hickmott MERCIAN (Adjt 1 ITB)
 Beharry Centre VC where he met the prize winners and their families, introduced by the Platoon Commanders. The visit was concluded after a short walk around and
chat with the families of those soldiers passing out by the Inspecting Officer.
Prince of Wales’s Division
Annual crich Pilgrimage
     Capt Scott, OC 3 Platoon, Prince of Wales’s Division
The 1st of July saw a number of recruits from across the Prince of Wales’s (PoW) Division make the annual Crich pilgrimage. Capt Scott (2 MERCIAN) and Cpl Robinson (2 MERCIAN), both of PoW 3 Platoon organised the trip for the eager recruits to offer some well deserved respite from the gruelling 28-week Combat Infantryman’s Course (CIC) held in Catterick.
The recruits volunteered from a cross-section of the CIC, meaning that some had only been awarded their berets a few days earlier, whilst others were due to pass-out and join their battalions in the coming weeks. Nevertheless, what better an opportunity to gain an insight into the esprit de corps and ethos of the Regiment? The family focused atmosphere ensured that
the lads felt at ease from the outset, with many commenting that they felt welcomed into the fold.
Much work is done behind the scenes at Catterick to foster a sense of belonging and identity within the recruits towards their Regiment. Parades are often held commemorating battle
honours from across the division, with a morning parade and citation of The Glorious 1st of June being delivered to the recruits a month earlier. Hopefully recruits will continue
to make the pilgrimage and strengthen the bonds they feel towards their chosen capbadge, ensuring an insight into the strong bonds across all battalions of the Regiment.

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