Page 98 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 98

                                 eMU OTc SUMMer cAMP 2012
By Officer Cadet (SUO) Michael Shrubb
Late at night Thetford camp received a wave of military transport and several coaches filled with the staff and Officer Cadets of East Midlands Universities Officer Training Corps (EMUOTC). Summer Camp attracted over 200 Officer Cadets, the largest number for over 20 years and larger than many major unit TA Regiments’ Summer Camps.
The first full day offered Physical Fitness Tests, Weapons Handling Tests and MATTS and WIPS. With all the Officer Cadets revised, refreshed and fit to fight all hands turned to pre-exercise admin. The rest of the day was filled with that familiar pre exercise excited hustle and bustle. Blank ammunition was distributed and the Officer Cadets started Battle Procedure. The next morning we deployed into the field
with webbing, helmets and war faces attached. Meanwhile all their non-field kit was packed onto transport and driven 250 miles across the country to Altcar camp; where the second phase of Summer Camp would take place.
Miles from any form of familiar and comfortable kit the next five days
were filled with hard work, excitement, sleep deprivation and equatorial levels
of mosquitos in the rain drenched Thetford woods. Broken down into
three companies the OCdts honed their infantry skills; the two junior companies (Alamein and Badajoz) practicing section attacks, living in the field and all round soldiering. Those in the second phase of training (Alma Company) spent their time testing their ability to lead soldiers. With command roles continually changing
and swapping the second year Officer Cadets found themselves a platoon
2Lt Walton on Excercise with his Platoon in February
commander one morning, going through the seven questions and demonstrating their knowledge of platoon tactics and then the 2IC of a section during the afternoon. Under the watchful eye of the directing staff all Officer Cadets were critiqued and
nature of the exercise. Midway through the exercise EMUOTC had to move to
a different piece of real-estate; this was completed in the form of a tab which for Alma Company came immediately after their hasty withdrawal from a
 developed in their military leadership.
All platoons carried out regular recce patrols, fighting patrols, ambushes, advance to contacts and time on stag was kept to a minimum due to the constant movement and kinetic
Under the watchful eye of the directing staff all Officer cadets were critiqued and developed in their military leadership.
platoon ambush. Midway through
Alma Company’s march an enemy force was identified in close proximity and for the first time the company executed a raid; a new experience that added another physical challenge but one that
   Officer Cadets free fall parachuting in USA

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