Page 97 - Mercian Eagle 2012
P. 97

                                Birmingham University Officers’ Training corps Annual camp 2012
By Alan Hynes
Between June 24th and July 8th 2012, Birmingham University Officers’ Training Corps conducted its annual two-week training camp, this year taking place
in Germany, specifically between JHQ Rheindahlen and Haltern Training Area.
The fortnight was split into two distinctive but equally rewarding phases: the military training, and leadership development, phases. The latter, held during the second week, involved various activities such as adventure training, range days, a battlefield study and the opportunity to visit local areas such as Düsseldorf or
to consolidate their respective teachings over the previous training year. B Coy were able to put to use all they had learned of basic soldiering while A Coy were given
the chance to demonstrate leadership through command appointments ranging from section to platoon level. Even with the inclusion of many original elements that
the OCdts were new to, such as operating from FOBs and combating unconventional enemy forces, the OCdts faced all the scenarios within the exercise to a high standard. Second Lieutenant Robert Prince,
The structure of
BUOTC runs roughly parallel to that of the Officer Cadets’ (OCdt) University year groups. First year students commonly belong
... such as operating from FOBs and combating unconventional enemy forces, the Ocdts faced all the scenarios within the exercise to a high standard.
stated that “the troops found it very demanding but it was great to see the culmination of the year’s endeavour”. The exercise, lasting 4 days, called for the OCdts
to push themselves
to their limits each in various ways, but one thing was for sure, the meticulous scheduling of the scenarios did not allow for much rest.
 in Basic Company
(B Coy), learning basic
skills and drills, second
year students ascend
to Advanced Company
(A Coy), learning leadership skills, while third and mostly final year students either gain their commission through the TA Commissioning Course – subsequently going on to take greater responsibility within the unit – or join Senior Wing and take senior positions in either A or B companies, aiding the DS.
OCdt Dominic Drew commented afterwards that “the sleep deprivation took its toll and was probably the hardest part. It was a great exercise as it was a culmination of everything we’ve learnt so far.”
Following the exercise, The DS and the Officers and Officer Cadets of BUOTC all took part in a battlefield study focussed on the Battle of Arnhem. This was no doubt a valuable tour to all who partook. The war
grave cemetery was certainly humbling, especially given that many of the ages engraved on the headstones were younger than many of the OCdts. It was equally important to all those with interest towards future involvement within the Mercian Regiment due to the battle’s connections with the South Staffordshire Regiment. Returning from Arnhem, and following
the charmingly high spirited Regimental Dinner, the Leadership Development phase began. The range days were invaluable to the OCdts in that for some it was the first time they had live fired the SA80 – there was a dawning realisation for many that practical application of fire was slightly
more difficult than classroom lessons
and blank firing! The AT, or as Second Lieutenant Prince humorously labelled it, “the versatile smörgåsbord of adventure phase” consisted of many different activities such as climbing, mountain biking and mountain walking. While such activities were indeed a world away from the regimented routine found on the exercise, the training value of such AT was not wasted. In fact, as Second Lieutenant Joshua Lee concluded, “the thought of midnight stag may seem bad, but half way up a fifty foot cliff, all the Officer Cadets find a special place to love the army.”
Overall, BUOTC’s annual camp was certainly the highlight of the training year and in fact the highlight in general for many of the OCdts. Roll on next year.
 The exercise phase saw A and B Coy amalgamate into one and allowed all OCdts

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