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Commander’s Foreword
 Major G Tulett RA
When I took command of the Bty in July 2020 I highlighted the importance of an ‘Always Ready’ mindset. I reflected upon Black 8’s history and noted that it has never failed to deliver when called upon – most notably during the Falklands conflict in 1982, but also in conflicts and opera- tions in the subsequent decades. Indeed, this is a tough act to live up to, but one which rightfully instils pride in those who currently parade under the Bty’s flag; and one which we are constantly mindful of when we are training in the field, or simply conducting our equipment husbandry in The Royal Citadel.
Clearly, taking command of a Very High Readiness Bty in the midst of a global pandemic has presented its challenges; but a reduction in some of the larger set piece activity has also offered fantastic opportunities to get back to doing the basics well, with responsibility for the investment in low levels skills firmly vested in the junior ranks. It has also given us the chance to conduct important training that can sometimes fall victim to competing manpower demands. On Exercise ALMA LEADER 20, the junior non-com- missioned officers and gunners were put through their paces in a series of lectures, mindfulness workshops, command tasks, and planning exercises; taking them out of their comfort zones and helping them to develop their own leadership styles – important skills made ever more so as the new Commando Force structure pushes decision making to the lowest levels.
On Ex ALMA CANNON 20 we also harnessed the opportunity to get the Bty away for a week to conduct small arms training, command post exercising, and Gun Group deployment training;
even seizing the opportunity to mark Alma Day in a COVID-19 compliant manner. We were also able to conduct some much needed tactical devel- opment and experimentation work – for those of you with fond (or not so fond) memories on PINZ 4X4, our work to find a replacement Gun Towing Vehicle has continued, with the already in-service Jackal gaining a lot of traction as a possible interim option until a new Lightweight Fires Platform is procured in the coming years. These ‘dry’ exercises all set the foundation for a highly successful deployment to Cape Wrath on Ex JOINT WARRIOR 20; where the Gun Group fired brilliantly in support of 148 Bty. The combination of these exercises left the Bty in great shape and set a superb benchmark from which to build as 2021 approached - and possibly with, we all hoped, COVID-19 firmly in the rear-view mirror. As we now know, the suggestion that the pandemic of 2020 had passed was wishful thinking. But COVID-19 has perhaps provided Black 8 with its most important work for a decade and it would be remis not to reflect that the Bty’s work in the fight against COVID-19 has been something that we are extremely proud of.
As commandos, readiness is in our DNA and we must maintain a mindset that enables us the flexibility to deploy in whatever role we are asked to perform. Not unlike another operation that occurred in the spring, without warning, and required mobilisation at very short notice, Op RESCRIPT tested our ‘Always Ready’ mindset. At a time of heightened national anxiety, the Bty performed brilliantly and delivered to the highest standards from start to finish – a Bty Commander can ask for nothing more from his people.
8 Cdo Bty
Battery Commander
Maj G Tulett RA
Battery Captain
Capt L Scaramuzza RA
Battery Sergeant Major
WO2 (BSM) J Burrell
  8 Bty Group on Ex GREEN DAGGER 19.2 in California.

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