Page 5 - 29 CDO
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Lt Col D C Glendenning RA
It is my honour to write the Commanding Officer’s Foreword to this superb Regimental Journal. I am immensely proud of the contribution, sacrifice, loyalty and commando spirit that has been consist- ently displayed, on a daily basis, by the entire Commando Gunner community over a challenging and unforgettable 30-month microcosm in the lifespan of our impressive and much-loved organ- isation.
The pages of this journal brilliantly illustrate the breathless tempo and breadth of activity, exercises, mission rehearsals and operational deployments we have faultlessly undertaken over the past two and a half years. As you enjoy the articles, either as a proud participant or an envious veteran, I urge you to read between the lines and truly recognise the human capital that underwrites unit success; our people are world class and the cherished commando mindset continues to deliver an opera- tional advantage. Reputation, credibility and trust remain our most lucrative trading currencies.
From the arctic tundra of the High North, the desert of California, the Intensive Care Units of NHS Trusts in the South West, the geopolitical cauldron of the Baltic Sea, our rugged granite backyard playground of Dartmoor, COVID testing sites in various Cornish car-parks, and the operational realities of Iraq and Syria, the officers and soldiers of 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery continue to demonstrate the usual high-octane blend of ‘Commando Ubique.’ The offer to our people is good and a green beret still serves as a boarding pass to a life of purpose, adventure, adrenaline and team-centred leadership.
Whilst this journal inevitably looks in the rear-view mirror, be reassured that the entire Regiment has a laser-focus on the future; we are radically transi- tioning at pace to become more lethal, more sophis- ticated, more persistently forward deployed and more special operations capable. Proposed cuts to amphibious capability from 2010 left many of us concerned about the future of the Commando offer, however, the recent Integrated Review and Defence Command Paper provided a clear mandate for the Future Commando Force and we are in a very strong position. Fires has emerged as the supported effect and we are routinely experimenting with novel Joint Fires hardware and software to earn the right to become 5th Generation Commandos and amplify the wake of a warfighting Royal Navy.
The last word must go to our families. The sacrifice military life exerts on our families is often
offset by a sense of community, relationship and shared adversity that is nurtured through social interactions; COVID-19 restrictions have diluted our ability to comprehensively invest in these important sinews that form the psychological contract of service life. However, much like during our early Regimental exploits in the jungle of Borneo, our intimate support in 1982 to liberate the Falkland Islands, our counter-insurgency campaigning in Iraq and Afghanistan, and now, as we support the national main effort to fight a global pandemic, our Regimental families have steadfastly and selflessly sustained our no-fail Defence outputs; I salute you!
The Commando Gunners stand ready to project force at a speed of relevance, to fight and to win. As a Very High Readiness unit, if the shout comes, rest assured, we won’t be late!
United we Conquer!
CO 29 participating in a mud run on PCPT
CO 29 reflects on a highly rewarding PNCO and JNCO ALDP Cadre Course.