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                                Operation BROADSHARE:
a Security Assistance Team in the Cayman Islands
Capt T Murray RA
Boarding a British Airways flight towards warmer, sunnier climes
In April 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic began to take hold, the Overseas Territories (OTs) of the United Kingdom each requested help from the UK Government in handling the possible threats associated with the spread of the disease. Of particular concern were the Turks and Caicos, British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands, due to the effect that increased migration from Haiti and Cuba may have during a pandemic and to the coming hurricane season, which in its own right poses a threat each year but could significantly exacerbate the spread of disease on an island hit by a serious hurricane (in which 29 Cdo Regt also supported under Op CARIBBEAN). At short- notice, 29 Cdo Regt RA were tasked to contribute to the Force Generation of three Security Assis- tance Teams (SATs) under Standing Joint Force Headquarters (SJFHQ) to deliver security liaison and operational reconnaissance support to each of the Caribbean OTs in case of emergency. The deployment was named Operation BROADSHARE and the newly formed SATs One, Two and Three were assigned to the Turks and Caicos, Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands respectively.
force generated from 29 Cdo Regt and commenced force preparations to deploy to the Cayman Islands; however, following the SJFHQ estimate it became apparent that the breadth of complexity and capability of this deployment required a pan-De- fence approach. While nine members of the team reluctantly re-stowed their bergens and aviators to their cages, Maj S Fittock, Capt T Murray, WO2 B Ratumaiwai and LCpl C Mackie (RAMC) made up the final 29 Cdo Regt contribution in the respective roles as Chief of Staff, Security Advisor, Real Life Support SNCO and Team Medic. The remainder of SAT Two consisted of a RM OF4 as Team Leader, four Police Advisors, two Logistics Advisors, a RM counterintelligence advisor, a General Duties Medical Officer and a Medical Planner.
Three weeks later, SAT 2 swiftly deployed from a never-seen-before empty and very wet Heathrow Airport in late April to Grand Cayman and straight after landing, they moved into two weeks of hotel quarantine. A temporary ops room was created in an empty hotel room which is where the team began to build their situational awareness and develop a plan. The team split down into thematic areas and spent their days building contacts and hosting
In a matter of days, the 12-strong SAT 2 was 6 29 COMMANDO REGIMENT ROYAL ARTILLERY

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