Page 22 - Simply Vegetables Autumn 2021
P. 22
Fiona’s roundup
We are delighted to report that Medwyn’s of Anglesey (founded by our president, Medwyn Williams MBE AHRHS FNVS) have kindly provided every member with a packet of red onion seed. You will find your free packet of seed in this Autumn edition.
This is a new variety of red onion, which currently only has a code number “3119” as it has not yet been named. This red onion is an early maturing variety with longer term storability which is not usually the case with many red varieties. It possesses an even dark red colour and is very uniform in size and shape. This is a great red onion for the kitchen as it has high sprouting tolerance combined with exceptional performance from storage.
As a guide, for those wishing to grow this onion, sow during late January to mid-February for harvesting during August to September, so store your seeds safely in a cool, dry place, ready for 2022.
For all exhibitors, please note that for the 2022 National Championships in Malvern, this red onion seed is required to be grown to enter Class 26, the Chairman’s Challenge Shield.
We would like to thank Medwyn’s of Anglesey for their generous support. We hope you enjoy growing and eating for your red onions. Please
let us know how you get on because feedback from our growers from different parts of the country is always invaluable.
New NVS Pin Badges
We are happy to advise that in line with the NVS Development plan’s standardisation activities and further to the NVS logo having been updated to a round logo, we now have new pin badges available.
The new NVS pin badge can
be ordered from Sandra Hall at a cost of £2.50 (plus £1.00 P&P). If you do wish to order one, please send a cheque made payable to the National Vegetable Society to Sandra. Note; Sandra’s address is 7 Crudgington, Wellington, Telford, Salop TF6 6JG (email and phone number are at the top of page 3).
Details of the new NVS pin badge can also be found within the Merchandise section of the NVS
website, under “other merchandise”.
For your information, the judges pin badge has also been modernised to reflect the new round logo,
and I’m delighted to report that
all listed qualified NVS judges are being sent a new Judges pin badge to replace their existing one. We ask that all judges now display
the new pin badge to support the work to improve consistency and standardisation of the NVS image, thank you.
22 Simply Vegetables