Page 23 - Simply Vegetables Autumn 2021
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  You may have seen the article in our Winter and Spring editions about the NVS having taken up the opportunity to receive donations via AmazonSmile. In doing so
this means that for anyone who
is shopping via AmazonSmile, if you select the National Vegetable Society as your chosen charity, then every time a purchase is made, Amazon will give 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT and other shipping fees) of eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the National Vegetable Society.
We just wanted to thank the first 23 people who have selected the NVS as their chosen Charity to date with over 300 purchases made to date.
As previously advised, each Quarter, Amazon will send a donation from those purchases directly to the NVS each quarter (unless it’s less than £5, in which case it would send annually). Our first donation of £10.55 was received in February, our second was £9.87 in May. At time of writing this article, we have not quite reached the end of the third quarter. A
big thankyou to those who are supporting the NVS in this way. It costs you nothing to switch to smile. amazon but benefits the NVS..... every little helps.
If you are going to do some Amazon shopping soon, dare I say... with Christmas on the horizon, (usually via, then
all you need to do instead, is to
type on your web browser instead. This will
log you into , where you can select the National Vegetable Society as your chosen charity. If you switch to smile. amazon you will still see exactly
the same data and information, account, previous orders & wish lists . The selection of products that Amazon offers is identical, as are the prices. Note; even if you didn’t wish to choose the NVS as your chosen charity, there are hundreds of charities there to select from who could benefit from one small change, it’s your personal choice and you would be helping a charity.
Doing this costs, you nothing, just a few seconds to type and log into
Thank you.
Planning has started for the National Championships in September 2022 which will be hosted by the Midlands Branch at the Three Counties Showground in Malvern, led by Midlands Branch Show Secretary, Pat Brown and Show Manager, Sandra Hall.
As you may know, each year the host branch chooses the veg for Class 26 Chairs Challenge and the Midlands Branch Committee were delighted to have Medwyns’ of Anglesey’s red onion seed, “3119” provided to support this class. (refer article on page 22).
More info to follow in the next edition.
 Fellowship – Southern Branch
Louise Clubley
Louise joined the NVS in 2015 and immediately became an active member of the Surrey D.A. committee and became treasurer in 2016, a post that she continues to hold. Louise computerised the accounts
with detailed spreadsheets, making year end auditing more straightforward. In addition to her role as Treasurer, Louise is always helping the D.A., from setting up, selling raffle tickets & assisting in the kitchen as well as volunteering to assist at events the D.A. attends, giving advice to members of the public on growing vegetables.
  Silver Medal – Southern Branch
Kelvin Mason
Kelvin joined the NVS in 1991 and became a qualified NVS judge in 2010. Kelvin became our SV Magazine Editor in 2014. Kelvin is a professional horticulturalist and lecturer at Sparsholt a leading horticultural centre of learning. His experience and his knowledge shine through as he continues to pen many interesting and informative articles for inclusion in each edition and devotes a huge amount of time in doing so. Kelvin gives talks to the Hants D.A. and gardening societies throughout Hampshire and beyond and is an active organiser of judging village and town shows in Hampshire, many of which he judges at himself. An active Southern Branch Committee member and Trustee Rep, Kelvin’s experience and knowledge is invaluable. This silver medal is so well deserved for the quiet man of the NVS.
                                     NVS Award winners 2021
In July, the annual awards review meeting was held via Zoom and I
can report that two awards were nominated and approved this year. Below is a short summary to provide you with a brief insert into their most appreciated work within the NVS.
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