Page 27 - Simply Vegetables Autumn 2021
P. 27
Question: At what level do you grow vegetables for exhibition?
The National championships are a fantastic showcase and testament to the quality that we promote within our society. At Branch and DA level we need to encourage more novice classes or increase scope of classes so that our shows
cater for vegetables that have a great popularity for our membership.
‘Simply Vegetables’ the quarterly magazine published
by the NVS for many is alone worth the membership each year. This professional, informative, and unique publication gives members who prefer a hard-copy communication,
the scope to increase their knowledge, keep up to date and enjoy a read in their own time. The publication was rated 4.5 out of 5 stars in the survey. We are delighted with this feedback. For many, there is a nice mix of articles to cater for members who are exhibitors and those that are not. It
is important to keep the publication fresh and seek new contributors. We received many suggestions for future features and articles which is really exciting. It important
to highlight that the NVS is a society run by members for members so we will always welcome your letters, photos and articles.
The Zoom talks have been another positively received initiative with a wide variety of subjects being covered and significant attendance of members located across a wide geographical area. Only 21% of members who responded to the survey attended in 2021 but many said they would in the future. Virtual meetings provide a significant opportunity
to bring members together who are not located close to a DA or actively engaged in a DA. The continuation of these talks will be focused between autumn to spring each year when people are not as busy in the garden. Going forward the talks (if permitted) could be recorded and added to the website for future reference to members.
The final questions capture the overall satisfaction of our NVS membership:
Question: Are you satisfied with the benefits of membership?
Question: Are you planning to renew your membership when it expires?
Members Survey 2021 – Results
Next Steps
The survey results and your direct feedback will
be invaluable to the society and the trustees. The suggestions and constructive feedback received will be used to plan and focus for continued growth in the months and years to come. We are sorting your responses into themes and assigning them to short- term, medium-term and long-term objectives.
Our aim is to advance the education of the public in the cultivation and improvement of vegetable growing, and to advance knowledge of and increase public interest in vegetables by the publication of information and by providing advice and help to all levels of vegetable growers.
We have a wealth of knowledge within the society and many resources available to members. We will ensure all new members are warmly welcomed into the society and provided with location of the resources available to them with their membership.
Overall, we are delighted with the positive engagement, the society is in a strong position. Members are satisfied and enjoying the benefits of membership. Regular review and small tweaks will ensure that the society continues to grow for many years to come.
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Simply Vegetables 27