Page 28 - Simply Vegetables Autumn 2021
P. 28
NVS Survey – S.V. Feedback
Raymond Higgins recently carried out an excellent survey of members on behalf of the NVS trustees (see report on the previous pages in the magazine). There were a couple of questions about Simply Vegetables magazine which I would like to make a few comments. The first question was on the general satisfaction levels of the magazine and this received a score of 4.5 stars out of 5 for which I would like to thank all respondents for their rating, and it is pleasing many of you are happy with the magazine.
The second question asked, “Do you have any suggestions for future articles for Simply Vegetables magazine” and we received a good number some of which I will comment on below in a table showing the suggestions and my initial comments prior to the trustees review.
A section / articles on common pest and disease problems
More on growing for showing / exhibition, there were a few requests for this
Feature growers from different parts of the U.K.
Members submitting ideas and designs for various projects etc.
Suppliers of plants for exhibition growing
Novice section
How to articles on growing vegetables More letters / letters page
More on no-dig
All letters and articles I receive are published if anyone has sent me anything that has not been published, please let me know or resend it. One member commented that there was too much from one contributor and
I agree, but I need articles to fill the magazine! There were also a couple of comments about proof reading and grammar, I and two members proof
it (I do it twice!) but time is tight to
I will try to do in future issues but would be very pleased to receive articles from members.
I would be pleased to receive articles from member’s / show growers.
Does anyone fancy themselves as the next Michael Parkinson? Simon Smith has an interview in this magazine.
Happy to receive
Has anyone a list or know many of the suppliers?
I will see what I can do, or any authors? 2022 /23
I would be very pleased to receive more letters, especially enough for a letters page. Please send!
See this magazine, happy to do more if receive articles.
A member’s question and answer page on fruit and vegetables
Happy to give this a go if members send in questions.
Grower interviews, again a few requests for these.
Any offers?
Adjusting sowing times for the south and north U.K.
Will do in 2022
Growing Japanese onions
Will do in 2022
Growing giant vegetables
I am happy to include, again have we need authors, Peter Glazebrook has done them in the past.
Organic vegetable growing
Possible 2022 / 23
Quiz / crosswords
See this magazine and hopefully more to follow.
Growing unusual vegetables
Any authors? Or I will do in future editions
Drinks made from vegetables
Any offers, sounds interesting.
28 Simply Vegetables
meet the deadlines and I have other commitments so may miss things, but if any members have proof reading experience, I would be pleased to hear from them.
There were a couple of comments about reading the text on dark backgrounds, I have asked the publishers to only use dark text on light backgrounds in future; please let me know if this is better.
There were a number of comments that there was too much of some subjects, but other members wanted more of them. I am aware I cannot please all the people all the time so will aim to please as many as possible. I have read all the feedback and where possible will try to include as many suggestions as possible.
Kelvin Mason
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the quarterly magazine of the National Vegetable Society Volume 27 Part 3 Summer 2021
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