Page 68 - Simply Vegetables Autumn 2021
P. 68

                                   Cleome (Spider Flower) in 1Pot modules at Plantasia, Oxfordshire
  Zinnia, chrysanthemum, rudbekia, and echinacea in easy2grow modules
With AutoPot it’s not just about fruit and veg. Our incredibly responsive watering systems can help take care of pretty much any plant’s essential needs. Allowing you to fill your growing spaces with the most vibrant spectrum of flowers imaginable.
Dahlias (Left & Left Rear) in 1Pot XL Modules, osteospermum in easy2grow modules
Let Them Flourish
The AQUAvalve5 in every AutoPot Watering System puts your plant in control of its own irrigation and feeding - for truly responsive growing.
     SAVE 20%
To get 20% off the entire range of AutoPot Watering Systems
Simply visit and apply the code below at the checkout
Offer code only redeemable via Offer limited to one code per customer. Discount does not include delivery. Offer open to U.K. retail customers only. Offer open to U.K. delivery addresses only.

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