Page 16 - Jigsaw June 2021
P. 16

                                SPORTS CLUBS
Cricket: if you want to
improve your fitness
and socialise?
Then Thrapston Cricket Club can help
as they start the 2021 cricket season.
There has been a cricket team in Thrapston since 1890 although not always at the current Chancery Lane location – this has only been used since the late 50’s. However, it’s not just the venue that’s changed, so has the size and scope of the club.
From having only one team playing, they now have teams playing every day apart from Friday, although that’s a busy night as it’s junior training night – with free hot dogs for all participants! The teams range from Under 9 through to seniors with both mixed and female only teams. Everyone is welcome at Thrapston CC whatever their ability, they’ll find a place for you to enjoy cricket and reach your full potential whether
you’ve played before, never played or are returning after a spell away.
The senior open age teams play on Saturday in the Northants Cricket League in Divisions 2, 6, 11 and 13, whilst the Women and Girls Team play on Sunday in either a 40 over competition or a Super 8s league and also on a Wednesday in the Northants Ladies Midweek league. The junior teams play either Sunday morning or in the evening in the Higham & District or Wilson Browne Leagues. As juniors reach 14, they’re encouraged to move into the senior section to become the stars of the future.
With an annual membership fee of just £10 for adults and £5 for juniors and match fees ranging from £2 to £5, cricket is not going to break the bank.
On top of all this, the Sports Association bar at the ground is open, where you will receive a warm welcome and can partake in a few drinks (if COVID rules allow). Plus, you can enjoy the lively post-match discussions.
So, whether young or old, male or female, go along to the Chancery Lane ground and join in the fun with your local cricket club where you can always be assured of a warm welcome.
Follow us on Twitter at: @ThrapstonTownCC and on Facebook: Thrapston Town Cricket Club – Mens, Ladies & Junior Sections
Come and try a game of bowls with members of our friendly club.
It’s good exercise, good fun, you can enjoy the outdoors and meet new people.
Come along on Monday, Wednesday or Saturday afternoons; the club is COVID safe and you just need to arrive in flat shoes.
We look forward to seeing you!
  Contact Pete on 07784 737705 The Recreation Ground, High Street, Islip NN14 3JS

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