Page 4 - Jigsaw June 2021
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St. James’ Church
St. Nicholas’ Church, Islip
Holy Trinity Church, Denford Rector: Reverend Nolan Robson
e: t: 01832 734614
6th June 9.00am JAMES Club, Thrapston 10.00am Morning Prayer, Thrapston
11.15 Communion Service, Islip 13th June 9.00am JAMES Club, Thrapston
10.00am Morning Prayer, Thrapston
11.15 Communion Service, Denford 20th June 9.00am JAMES Club, Thrapston
10.00am Morning Prayer, Thrapston
11.15 Communion Service, Islip 27th June 9.00am JAMES Club, Thrapston
10.00am Communion Service, Thrapston
11.15 Communion Service, Denford It will also be possible to listen to the sermon from each service online after Sunday afternoon but there will be no online services during June. Please visit the website – for suggestions of online services that are available and to check whether booking is required for the service you wish to attend. Please remember that face masks should be worn when in the church building, unless you are exempt or restrictions have changed.
JAMES Club Family service lasts half an hour on Sunday mornings in St James Church, Thrapston and no booking is required. Families with children of all ages are particularly welcome. It’s fun and friendly featuring a bible story and activities each week in term time. Give it a try. We’d love to meet you.
Praise and Play continues to meet online though we are hoping to have some meetings in the churchyard before the end of term.
This is for pre-school children and their parents, grandparents and carers. Please e-mail for the Zoom link.
Our Youth group is meeting online on Sunday mornings and sometimes in the Souster Youth building – this is aimed at children of secondary school age upwards. If you’d like to make new friends please e-mail tdichurches@ for the Zoom link.
Denford Holy Trinity Church
At the time of going to press we are hoping to continue with our recent, Covid based, regular pattern of services. However, we have no specific details as yet. Therefore, the services for June, within the Benefice can be found on the website
Please remember to book in if you wish to attend a physical service and observe Covid requirements.
Easter Celebrations
It was lovely to welcome everyone back to a service on Easter Sunday, almost ‘full’, with our safe distancing! Hopefully face to face services will continue and maybe increase soon?
We had 7 lovely entries into the pebble decorating competition, which was judged
by anyone who passed by over the Easter weekend. Most votes went to The Easter Rabbit, created by Ruby Fairweather, Peter and Sheila’s granddaughter. Joint runners up were Alexa and Harry Carlisle, more Denford grandchildren! Twelve happy children, ably assisted by parents and grandparents, managed to find Easter surprises with clues around the Churchyard, during the Easter Weekend. Thank you, to all those who donated to the Easter egg coffers!!
Stay safe! We look forward to seeing each other in person soon.
St. Nicholas Church, Islip
It was lovely to see such a lovely congregation on Easter day and the sunshine and even the early start all combined to make it a very special beginning to Easter.
With the approaching hopes for a lifting to lockdown restrictions we may be able to get back to some kind of normal services but please keep an eye on the website www.tdichurches. or ring one of us for more up-to-date information if you do not have access to an internet connection.
Thanks to all who supported our table top sale. We may even try some more in the months to come! keep your eyes open for announcements
Contact details: Priest Rev Nolan Robson: 734614 – Churchwardens: Sally Morris: 733392, Elizabeth Cox: 734253,