Page 5 - Jigsaw June 2021
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                                CHURCH NEWS
    St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Church
Parish Priests: Canon Michael & Father Pius
e: t: 01536 203121
Thrapston Baptist Church
Minister: Reverend Mat Hussain
e: t: 07501 718797
 Mass Times in Thrapston
Sundays 9.30am and 11am & Thursdays 10am Please continue to check the weekly newsletter on website for up to date information. This can also be viewed on St Paul’s church door.
The church will be sanitised between the 9.30am and 11.00am services and all Masses
are COVID-19 compliant. We are adhering to social distancing rules and at the time of writing (28.4.21) congregation members are advised:-
• Numbers are limited so please obey the Stew-
ards and follow the one - way system.
• Please keep social distance (1 metre +) and
wear a face covering or mask.
• During the Mass, Holy Communion will be
brought to you in your place by the Priest or Eucharistic Minister. Please stand if you wish to receive, on the hand only with arms ex- tended fully. No personal “Amen” is spoken.
• Music will be played by the organist. There is no singing except by the cantor.
• Track and Trace: please continue to give your details upon entry, some are bringing pre-completed forms which saves time. The Diocese are sorting out NHS QR posters for us to scan with our phones which, again, should speed things up.
Numbers in Church
For regular Masses: keeping to 1 metre plus (including masks) as many as we can safely accommodate (households can sit together, maximum 6). Baptisms: 10 persons, Weddings: 15 persons, Funerals: 30 persons.
For the time being the Sunday Mass obligation is suspended so if you are not confident to come to public Mass with all the rules and regulations, don’t worry.
We are now live-streaming Mass from Our Lady’s in Corby
If you would like to ring Fr Pius or Canon Michael for any reason, even just for a chat or a prayer, please do so on 01536 203121
Flaming June? Who knows? (Well, I know who knows, but whilst I’m writing this in April, I don’t!)
Hopefully we are on track with the covid roadmap for the easing of restrictions, so by the end of the month we hope to be fully back to holding worship services in the church. In the meantime, however, please do keep an eye on our website ( to check when we are zooming, and when we are meeting in the church.
In any event recordings of the services are available via our website (www.thrapstonbaptist.
Whether on zoom or in-church, the services planned for June will have the following themes and preachers:
May 30th Jun 6th
Jun 13th Jun 20th
Jun 27th Jul 4th
10.30am All-Age Family Service (with Communion)
10.30am Morning Service, Confidence in the gospel, Mat Hussain
10.30am Communion Service, The gospel matters, Mat Hussain
10.30am Morning Service Living for the gospel, guest speaker Josh Hussain
10.30am All-Age Family Service
10.30am Morning Service, A life worthy of the gospel, Mat Hussain
For any more information please email us on
Don’t forget the series of video reflections by our minister Mat Hussain is still available on our website.
Also, please don’t forget, if you would like to speak to anyone or would like us to pray for you or your family, then please do get in touch using our prayer request contact form on the website: ( Every Blessing Thrapston Baptist Church.

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