Page 20 - QDG Year of 2020
P. 20

1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
 Standby, Go!
As the Squadron prepared for operations in Mali, attention was also drawn to the readiness taskings which the Squadron had to fulfil. These included being at readiness for the Joint Expeditionary Force Light Brigade, support to the local police force in the event of a terrorist event and significantly, UK Support Battalion (UKSB). The UKSB readiness requirement initially saw the Squadron Headquarters drive the unspeakably long distance to Edinburgh for a series of lectures, and, thankfully a fairly nice Italian meal, before turning around almost immediately to head back to Norfolk. Once this had been achieved, as well as qualifying everyone on how to construct a flood proof barrier, the Squadron was held at ever shortening readiness time- lines. The most likely tasking, if activated, would have been flood barrier construc- tion and providing support to the effected communities, although other likely tasks included support to Fire Fighters or Prisons. The Squadron was maintained at a short notice to move for over three months, which meant that everyone had their bergans packed and vehicles held waiting in the hanger. Despite the numerous false starts and the ever threatening second wave of COVID 19, the Squadron was not activated and in December the readiness tasks were passed on to other Units and Sub-Units.
Per Mare, Per Terram
As many of the readers will know, C Squadron, QDG has a long history with the Commando Brigade, originally from their operations together in Iraq in 2003. Consequently, C Squadron has the Commando Dagger as part of its Squadron ethos and can be seen on the emblem worn by all those who have served in C Squadron, either on a t-shirt, hoodie or a tattoo. It was there- fore a significant moment, that after many years of little interaction, 1st Troop, C Squadron deployed on Ex GREEN LIZARD in Sennybridge in Wales with A
“and these are all the vehicles that are Fully Fit”
Company 40 Commando Royal Marines in November. C Squadron supplied the Royal Marines with vehicles and personnel, allowing them to exercise and test their skills on the Jackal 2, whilst also allowing for integration between QDG and Royal Marine crews. The purpose of Exercise Green Lizard was to develop A Company Royal Marines in their mobility tactics and understanding, as well as refining tactical movement and sharing hints and tips
on how to live off and
maintain vehicles.
This focus on mobility
skills is a new area
of interest for the
Royal Marines as they
re-role into the Future
Command Force,
centred around small,
mobile and special-
ised teams operating
at reach; very similar to the Commando forces of the Second World War. The secondary output was to test the Future Commando Force logistical elements, putting the Royal Marine logistical chain under realistic pressure and demands; all of which Sergeant Morgan did with excellence!
Under Lieutenant Maltman and Sergeant Morgan, 1st Troop, C Squadron threw themselves into the exercise which gave them the opportu- nity not only to impart their experience
but also to develop their understanding of using support weapons, such as Javelin, and the use of modern tech- nologies on today’s battlefield, including drones and cutting-edge tablets. The troop were asked to carry out numerous tasks, including route security, Observa- tion Posts, Vehicle Checkpoints, and a mounted raid where Jackals formed up as a key part of the ring of steel for the insertion protection and then switching
to fire support during the break-in.
All of 1st Troop reported back that it was eye opening to see the similari- ties between Light Cavalry and the Royal Marine Future Commando Force, and therefore we look forward to working
    Self-important, moi?
with them in the future as we both develop our concepts of use. C Squadron are reunited with A Company, 40 Commando in February 2021 when they join us for operational ranges.
   Orders: How it started
How it’s going

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