Page 21 - QDG Year of 2020
P. 21

                                 The Desert Awaits
In November 2020, the Commanding Officer informed C Squadron that they would be the first sub-unit to deploy to Mali under the Op NEWCOMBE deploy- ment. They would therefore deploy as an individual sub-unit and come under the command of the 2 Royal Anglian Task Group (The Poachers). November therefore became a very busy month for C Squadron. Not only were we on readiness, but it also marked the start of the pre-deployment training
for this forthcoming deploy-
ment. The month involved a
Squadron range package,
which took everyone through
their Rifle assessment and
then up to a Section Attack
at night. Considering that
this was the first-time live
firing for a number of the
newer Troopers to the
Squadron, the week-long
range package was a real
baptism of fire; one in which
they thrived; a special
mention must go to Troopers
Faulkener and Wilson who
showed tremendous skill
and prowess despite only
finishing Phase 2 training
a week prior. A lot was
achieved in this week and
the atmosphere was electric,
with everyone focussed and
trying to improve, all fully
aware that time for deploy-
ment was against us. There
was a real sense of teamwork, grit and motivation at every level; an encouraging start to pre-deployment training.
Soon after the range package, C
“so, this is how we’re going to run the testing site”
1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards 19
   a special mention must go to Troopers Faulkener
and Wilson who showed tremendous skill and prowess despite only finishing Phase 2 training a week prior
 Squadron deployed on a week-long exercise on Thetford Training Area. This was the first opportunity for the new Squadron to shake out and test itself internally. The exercise was designed to give each troop time to test and adjust during daily troop dispersal, then progressing into delib- erate actions at night. These included conducting night-time driving, Obser- vation Posts, and Close Target reconnaissance. The exercise culminated in a complex Squadron raid, which was mounted and dismounted, utilising an
anchor Observation Post to provide a live feed back to the Squadron HQs and to the commanders. This job fell to the recent addition to the Squadron, a young 2Lt Dillon and his call sign. They were the unlucky ones who had to occupy the anchor OP in -5 degrees temperatures. Despite a slight communication related faux pas, the team did an excellent job. The exercise was a real success, albeit very cold, and proved to be a useful training opportunity prior to starting the formal pre-deployment training in January.
No PPE shortage here
Poacher turn Game Keeper
As 2020 drew to a close, the Squadron went on some well-earned Christmas leave. When they return, it starts pre-de- ployment training for Mali, where we hope to deploy in June 2021 with the Poachers (2 Royal Anglian). The Squadron is excited and ready to go. Watch this space for updates on this deployment and I hope to write to you this time next year with all our adventures and experiences.
     Cpl Kaikadavu leading from the front

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