Page 23 - QDG Year of 2020
P. 23

                                1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
  of vegetarian ration packs, we polished our orders processes, rehearsed and rehearsed with conducting the rehearsal of concept (ROC) drill many times we were successful in achieving our CT 4 validation for operations. The recovery plan for this major exercise was equally challenging both on an ES perspective and recovering the vehicle fleet to LTF and RBSM. As most of you may not be aware the regiment only own a certain number of vehicles – this is called the Basic Unit Fleet (BUF) a squadron’s worth only. When we deploy or exercises as a regiment, we then loan vehicles from across the field army – this brings its own challenges. Of note the
RQ(T) WO2 John Davies was instrumental when liaising with Bde to get the vehicles back on train, something we have not done for years.
Unfortunately, on our
return back to sunny Norfolk
COVID-19 hit the streets.
The advantage to Robertson
Barracks Swanton Morley
(RBSM) being in the middle
of the countryside allowed
us to continue with some
small margins of training whilst commit- ting troops to help in the response to the pandemic. Testing sites and Ambulance driving to name but a few of our commit- ments. The future was uncertain and did look pretty bleak, everyone was asking when it will get back to normal – I would have never thought that when I was writing this article for the 2020 journal, we are still no further forward to getting back to normality and spending Christmas with our families. Nevertheless, the regiment did manage to secure ranges in Warcop for a three week Dismounted and Mounted range package. The RLS team which was headed up by Capt Bongo Davies ensured all the regiments needs were catered for. The ranges were superbly organised, big thanks to SSgt Hartt and Beal. These ranges ensured that the soldiers were still current with their skills and were not sitting at home during the pandemic. Post summer leave BGHQ supported the hybrid Sqn of QDG and our paired reserve regiment the Royal Yeomanry (RY) on the Mission Rehearsal Exercise (MRX) on SPTA in preparation for their deployment on OP CABRIT. This saw Capt Chris Homewood (QM) deploy in the role of NSE Comd, covering all G4 aspects of the deployment working with RLC Logisticians, he handed over the role to Capt Matt Hansen, who will see the tour through until April 21. The
Squadron then quickly bounced into supporting the Mullens Cup competi- tion – this was organised by Capt Hugo Chaplin and Sgt Welfoot- a mounted and dismounted regimental competition over one week on SPTA. This year’s compe- tition comprised of Handover takeover of the JACKAL vehicles, route march, advance to contact, Troop hide where OP orders were given and an OP that evening. Moving into the dismounted element of the competition following a set of orders covering roughly about 40KM over SPTA via a series of manned and unmanned checkpoints with AFV recognition, CBRN, CIED, CTR and
finished with a small arm contact scenario with a 2km CASEVAC serial. A tough and testing competition enjoyed by all.
The training didn’t stop there. HQ were then to move to Otterburn to support a weeks Survival Evade Resist and Extract (SERE) training, organised by Capt Charlie Byrd. We even had the privilege of members of the Regiment currently
serving in Hereford assisting us for the week, great to see them return so thanks for all their advice and guidance. The exercise RLS was run by myself as the BGLO and the RQ WO2 Dai Chant- a busy time due to the stretched lines of communications. The last element of training during this pandemic was EX CEREBERUS- elements of BGHQ were deployed to CAST(S) Warminster, this was a 3DIV exercise which allowed 7X to be validated. We spent two weeks living in an 18 & 24 and as you can see in pictures this was an emotional time with the tent often blowing about in the wind.
PAYD took a weird turn
A call had to be made back to RBSM for blankets and heaters- the RQ saved the day. The exercise was running on ABACUS, a computer-generated system which required a JNCO to operate it. Cpl Cope and LCpl Phillips soon grasped the system running the battle which saw LCpl Phillips nicknamed ABACUS Phil...
As we closed 2020 down we were looking forward to our traditional Christmas Day within RBSM – no such thing this year as the pandemic has put a stop to that- we did however have a service on the PNCO pass off parade (More detail on this PNCO cadre can be found further in the journal) followed with a Turkey Trot – this was for regimental PT, the RSM volunteered to dress up as a Turkey and was set free on a 4km route. The rest of the regiment were in Christmas fancy dress and had to beat the RSM in to be selected for a raffle prize. This ended the year and at least we did it with a little bit of Christmas spirit.
On behalf of HQ Sqn, I would like to wish you all the very best and look forward to seeing you all hopefully in Cardiff for the regimental reunion 2021.
  The future was uncertain and did look pretty bleak
  HQ Sqn’s screen had one vital flaw

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