Page 39 - QDG Year of 2020
P. 39

                                1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
        Alpine Skiing Team welcoming the rest of the RAC to the party!
Capt Campbell’s calm demeanour shining through
  The Livers in
C Sqn Officers lost on Wessex Storm
    Senior Subaltern enforcing COVID measures
committed to Op RESCRIPT and many of our young able 2Lts were spirited away to support the nation in its time of need. This quiet period allowed the mess some time to reflect and take note of what was going on in the world, with Capt Chaplin and Lt Groome organising some current affairs quizzes to stimulate the minds of the young thinkers in the mess. We also waved goodbye to 4 of our steadfast veteran living in members, Capts CE Carter, Hind, Layzell-Payne and Russell.
As the summer came to a close, QDG activity picked up and after deploying to Warcop Ranges, an arduous survival exercise in Otterburn and Op CABRIT pre-deployment training it was time for the Christmas season to begin.
The mess was back to full strength and as we prepared for a season of hosting guests and the arrival of a vaccine to give us hope, the north of the country took a turn for the worse. A Sqn officers dutifully donned their Pontins polo shirts and sped to Liverpool‘s aid to assist with the mass testing of the city’s inhabitants.
being hailed as a success
and C Sqn having completed
some chilly exercises on
STANTA as they prepared
for the desert conditions of
the Mess was ready for its final weeks...
Alas, COVID always has a vote. The Officers’ Mess was struck down by none other than the Senior Subaltern testing positive for the virus and the officers were forced into isolation to finish off the year.
In summary, this unique experience has shown that in the face of adversity, a global pandemic, near economic ruin and a Brexit deal just about making it through the Commons, the QDG Officers’ Mess has and will continue to set the
  A Sqn officers dutifully donned their Pontins polo shirts and sped to Liverpool‘s aid to assist with the mass testing
 Capt Chaplin unimpressed with the Cav Mem lunch
the Sahel,
example for the country to follow.

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